Turner, Ruiz Bills to Support Educational Needs of Deaf Students Become Law

Turner, Ruiz Bills to Support Educational Needs of Deaf Students Become Law


Trenton – Two bills sponsored by Senate Education Committee Vice Chair Senator Shirley K. Turner and Chair Senator M. Teresa Ruiz, addressing the educational rights and needs of deaf students, were signed into law today.


“Often times hearing parents are at a loss for how to best address their deaf child’s disability,” said Senator Turner (D-Hunterdon/Mercer). “Providing them with a resource guide will help parents better grasp the needs of their children and the services available to them. It will also help introduce parents to the deaf community which can provide support and guidance for the children and their loved ones.”


The first law will require school districts to recognize the rights of students who are deaf, hard of hearing and deaf-blind by creating the “Deaf Student’s Bill of Rights.”


“Our schools must provide children with environments in which they can grow and thrive,” said Senator Ruiz (D-Essex). “It is extremely important that our classrooms are meeting the needs of all students. This legislation will help ensure that our districts are providing deaf and hard of hearing students with the tools and resources necessary for them to succeed.”


The law specifies the “Deaf Student’s Bill of Rights” will include the students’ right to access appropriate screenings, assessments and early intervention. It also includes the students’ right to have opportunities to associate with deaf adult role models as well as school peers. Among other things, the bill of rights will include a students’ right to direct instruction from or access to those fluent in the child’s main mode of communication.


The second law will establish a Working Group on Deaf Education in the Department of Education (DOE) for the purpose of making recommendations for addressing the early linguistic development of children who are deaf or hard of hearing.  The working group will consist of 12 members tasked with researching and making recommendations to the DOE for the development of early intervention assessments and a parent resource guide.


“Many young deaf children are not being provided the same access to language in their daycares as their hearing peers,” said Senator Turner. “Early intervention is crucial in ensuring that deaf and hearing impaired children are being taught a language that is accessible to them in a manner that is accessible to them.”


The law directs the DOE and the Early Intervention Program in the Department of Health to develop guidance regarding early intervention assessments for schools. Data will be collected and reported annually by the DOE and the Early Intervention Program on the language acquisition and developmental progress of deaf or hard of hearing children from age two to five. The Early Intervention Program will collect the same date for infants and toddlers from birth to age two.

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