Turning the Tide for the Horseshoe Crab

Turning the Tide for the Horseshoe Crab

Cape May Court House, NJ


Thursday, May 10, 2018

1:30-2:30 pm



Cape May Court House, NJ on Thursday, May 10

To hear a good news story: There is now a clear path forward to displace (almost entirely) the need to bleed wild horseshoe crabs for biomedical use.

To witness a phenomenon: The only time of year when thousands of horseshoe crabs come to the shore to spawn and long-distance migratory birds stop over to refuel on horseshoe crab eggs before powering on to the Arctic Circle.


Tammy Murphy, First Lady of New Jersey—Welcoming remarks

A panel of expert participants, including the following:

Eric Stiles, President & CEO of New Jersey Audubon

Ryan Phelan, Executive Director and Co-Founder of Revive & Restore

Jay Bolden, Senior Consultant Quality Biologist for Eli Lilly and Company

Moderator: Stewart Brand, Co-Founder Revive & Restore, President of The Long Now Foundation


We are planning a panel discussion and Q&A to:

–         Discuss the potential for the synthetic alternative to replace horseshoe crab blood-derived products.

–         Present Revive & Restore’s review on the safety and efficacy of the synthetic alternative.

–         Discuss the benefits of this conversion on declining horseshoe crabs and migrant birds.


WHEN: 1:30-2:30 pm.  An optional field trip (photo opportunity) following the press event to the Delaware Bay shore to see horseshoe crabs and migratory birds.



New Jersey Audubon

Center for Research and Education

600 Route 47 North,

Cape May Court House, NJ 08210.

Media Contact:

New Jersey Audubon: Irene Laki, 908-789-0700, Irene@jaffecom.com

Revive & Restore: Meghan Foley, 707-888-3474, meghan @ reviverestore.org


For more information: http://reviverestore.org/horseshoe-crab/

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