Two Teaneck Fire Unions Endorse Schwartz, Orgen and Pagan for Council

Two Teaneck Fire Unions Endorse Schwartz, Orgen and Pagan for Council


Teaneck, N.J.: Two Teaneck Fire Unions -- Teaneck Professional Firefighters FMBA Local 42 and Professional Fire Officers Association of Teaneck -- have endorsed Deputy Mayor Mark Schwartz, Karen Lew Orgen and Michael Pagan for Council.


“We are fighting for those who fight for us on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic every single day in Teaneck,” said Schwartz, Orgen and Pagan in a joint statement. “We thank Teaneck Professional Firefighters FMBA Local 42 and Professional Fire Officers Association of Teaneck for their support and look forward to working with them so that our firefighters receive the support they need to continue doing the incredible work they are already doing.  Revenue from recent smart development has enabled the Township to maintain appropriate funding levels for all of our first responders.  And we support fair pay for our firefighters and making sure they have the equipment they need to protect themselves and our residents.  Together, we are Moving Teaneck Forward and Keeping Teaneck Safe.”


Below is the text of the letter the Teaneck Professional Firefighters FMBA Local 42 and the Professional Fire Officers Association of Teaneck issued endorsing Schwartz, Orgen and Pagan:


On behalf of the members of Teaneck Professional Firefighters FMBA Local 42 and Professional Fire Officers Association of Teaneck FMBA Local 242, it is our honor to endorse the Moving Teaneck Forward team of Deputy Mayor Mark Schwartz, Karen Lew Orgen, and Michael Pagan for Township Council.


Steve Van Mater


Teaneck Professional Firefighters

FMBA Local 42


Brian Taylor


Professional Fire Officers Association of Teaneck

FMBA Local 242

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