After Uncovering Disturbing Information Regarding Trenton Water Works, Mayor Yaede Calls on State to Force Sale of Utility

After Uncovering Disturbing Information Regarding Trenton Water Works, Mayor Yaede Calls on State to Force Sale of Utility
After a State official’s admission that a Trenton Water Works water tower in Hamilton has exhibited “historically low” chlorine levels, Mayor Kelly Yaede has uncovered further information regarding the struggling water utility that has left her no choice but to call upon State officials to finally compel the sale of the system.
Following Trenton Water Works’ most recent boil water advisory, Mayor Yaede has pressed State officials that regulate the water utility for additional answers, which revealed the “historically low” chlorine levels cited by one official.
In addition, State Department of Health officials conducted an informal testing at the Gershen Towers in Hamilton this summer, which detected “no” chlorine levels from the water provided by Trenton Water Works at a point before it entered the building’s plumbing network. Since that time, State Health officials did not conduct formal, follow-up testing. Residents at the Gershen Towers and in the immediate area have been afflicted by Legionnaire’s Disease over the past two decades.
Mayor Yaede is demanding daily, on-site chlorine monitoring at the Trenton Water Works’ Mercerville Tower, as well as a hard deadline for a permanent remedy for the chlorine-related issue;’ however, believes that this recent example is the final straw.
“The time for the State of New Jersey and Trenton Water Works to fulfill their obligations to the citizens of Hamilton Township is long overdue,” said Mayor Yaede in a letter to Governor Murphy, the heads of two State Departments and the Interim Director of Trenton Water Works. “Trenton Water Works has continuously failed to meet its responsibilities; therefore, the time has come for the State of New Jersey to finally compel the sale of the system.”
[pdf-embedder url="" title="TWW LETTER 10-8-19"]