Union County Clerk Advises Residents on Property Recordings during COVID-19 Outbreak

Union County Clerk Advises Residents on Property Recordings during COVID-19 Outbreak

Union County, NJ — Union County Clerk Joanne Rajoppi reminds residents that essential services, including property transactions as well as duties related to the 2020 elections, have continued during the COVID-19 outbreak.


“This is a matter of providing residents and businesses in Union County with certainty as to their financial transactions and their right to vote,” said Ms. Rajoppi.


“My staff is continuing to provide services essential to the Union County economy and to the election process, and I would like to thank the public for their cooperation during this trying time,” Ms. Rajoppi added.


In New Jersey, County Clerks are required to record real estate property within two days and provide a public index of property within the same period.

“In March, my office recorded over 8,200 transactions, or 400 documents a day,” said Ms. Rajoppi. “It was actually our busiest month ever.”


Property recordings for the month of March provided Union County with $743,207 in revenue, for a total of $2.48 million for the first three months of 2020.


The County Clerk is not accepting property submissions in person during the COVID-19 outbreak. To help law offices and other frequent property filers make the adjustment, last month she advised the use of e-filing services, as an additional option to mail and messenger services.”


The County Clerk has employed rotating staff shifts in the office and other strategies to keep essential services running during the pandemic while observing the recommended precautions against COVID-19.


Election activities of the County Clerk have also continued during the COVID-19 outbreak, including receiving nominating petitions, designing ballots for machines and mail, and processing more than 30,000 vote by mail applications in preparation for the presidential primary election.


“I strongly advise all Union County voters to use a Vote-by-Mail ballot, which can be obtained without needing a personal visit to my office,” said Ms. Rajoppi.


For information on applying for a Vote-by-Mail ballot, by phone, mail, and email visit the County Clerk’s elections website, UnionCountyVotes.com, email ucvote@ucnj.org, or call the Elections Division during regular business hours at 908-527-4996.


Information on all County Clerk services is available online at ucnj.org/county-clerk, including service adjustments and updates related to the COVID-19 outbreak.


For information and updates on all Union County essential services during the COVID-19 outbreak, including guidance on the Union County Drive-Through Test Center at Kean University, visit ucnj.org/coronavirus-update.


For general information about COVID-19 and phone contacts for 24/7 assistance with questions, visit the New Jersey Department of Health at nj.gov/health.


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