Union County Leads National Average on 2020 Census, More Residents Urged to Participate

Union County Leads National Average on 2020 Census, More Residents Urged to Participate

Union County is on track to outpace the state and national average for responding to the 2020 Census, even though the COVID-19 crisis has prevented census takers from conducting the traditional door-to-door count.


The Census count has a direct impact on funding for education, roads, and health care in Union County.


Union County Freeholder Chairman Alexander Mirabella credited strong community partnerships, word of mouth, and the use of mail, phone, and Internet for the high response rate.


“We are so proud of everyone in Union County who took a few minutes to respond to the 2020 Census,” said Freeholder Chairman Alexander

Mirabella. “As we work through this trying time together, it is important to keep looking to the future, and that’s what the Census is all about.”


Individuals and households who have already responded to the 2020 Census can help boost Union County’s participation by
reminding their family, friends and neighbors to respond.


For tips on using social media and other outreach to help raise awareness about the 2020 census, visit the Census Bureau at 2020census.gov/en/how-to-help.


Individuals and households in Union County who have not yet responded to the 2020 Census can do so by mail, phone, or online.


The Census Bureau also provides the ability to respond in Spanish and 12 other major languages.


In addition, the Census Bureau has guides available in 59 non-English languages including Braille and American Sign Language.


The U.S. Census is a constitutionally mandated count of every person in the country, conducted every 10 year, including all non-citizens.


States and local communities receive their share of federal funding based on their Census response. Representation in Congress is also based on the Census.


As of April 11, 50.1% of Union County residents completed the 2020 Census, compared to 49.0% of New Jersey residents and 47.9% of households across the country.


For more help with responding to the U.S. Census, Union County residents can complete an online survey on the County website at  ucnj.org/census.

For additional information and assistance on responding, visit the U.S. Census Bureau at 2020census.gov/en/ways-to-respond, or call 844-330-2020. Phone help is available from 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m.


For more information and updates on all Union County services during the COVID-19 outbreak, including guidance on the Union County Drive-Through Test Center at Kean University, visit ucnj.org/coronavirus-update.


For general information about COVID-19 and phone contacts for 24/7 assistance with questions, visit the New Jersey Department of Health at nj.gov/health.

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