United Progressives Assembly Candidates Release Joint Statement Regarding Tax Day

The New Jersey Statehouse and Capitol Building In Trenton

United Progressives Release Joint Statement Regarding Tax Day

Guttenberg, NJ, Release: April 15, 2019. For Immediate Release

On Tax Day, New Jersey’s wealthiest residents are filing their taxes without paying their fair
share. A coalition of Assembly candidates, known as the United Progressives, have come out in
favor of the “Millionaire’s Tax” proposed by Governor Murphy, because the burden of taxation
should be felt the same by every resident. We must all contribute to a fairer society.

Researchers from Rutgers University and Fairleigh Dickinson University found that 72% of NJ
residents are in favor of raising taxes on households making more than $1 million annually.
Working people like ourselves help fund public services for communities in NJ such as schools,
roads, and transportation and other vital programs. The working people of New Jersey have
been left to pay for more in higher property taxes, higher tuition at state colleges, and higher
tolls and fares for commuters. Aside from the EDA being “ mismanaged” under the Chris
Christie Administration, it is safe to say that this same administration cut taxes for the wealthy
and corporations. While we cannot currently control the federal tax code, we have a duty to
represent the working class and advocate for tax code reform on a state level. New Jersey is
considered the 9th highest state for income inequality and our campaigns are heavily-geared to
combat this inequity.

Enough is enough. The United Progressives stand with other progressive leaders to bring
awareness and support to the “Millionaire’s Tax” proposal. The “Millionaire’s Tax” is the first step
into undoing the damage done to the hard-working people of NJ. This concept of tax fairness
does not fall within the scope of party, or political ideologies, but moreso it is a matter of
addressing systemic inequity.

New Jersey’s middle class continues to get squeezed and forced to leave the state due to rising
taxes. We need a society that works for all of NJ’s residents, not just the millionaires.

The United Progressives consists of the following candidates:
Ron Rivers, LD-17 Assembly Candidate
Jill LaZare, LD-21 Assembly Candidate
Awais Qazi, LD-29 Assembly Candidate
Steven Farkas, LD-30 Assembly Candidate
Mahmoud Mahmoud, LD-32 Assembly Candidate
Roger Quesada, LD-32 Assembly Candidate

Most of the United Progressives are challenging incumbent Democrats in the 2019 primary

Election day for the Democratic primary is Tuesday, June 4, 2019.

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