Upcoming NJDSC Trainings

We will host three Candidate Trainings for those interested in running for office and Building Our Future for individuals wishing to work on campaigns and get involved in campaigns. We are committed to ensuring that Democrats are ready to organize and run for office at all levels, and we are excited to share these programs with you in this critical election year.

Candidate Trainings 

The NJDSC will host a series of day-long candidate trainings throughout the state. Participants will learn to:

  • Develop and implement field strategies.
  • Fundraise and adhere to compliance regulations.
  • Lead through stressful and high-stakes situations.
  • Effectively communicate campaign messages.
  • Work with Democratic allies and vendors.
  • Engage volunteers and supporters to achieve campaign goals.
  • If you are interested in attending one of these candidate trainings, click here to RSVP!
Each training will last from 10:00AM - 5:00PM. The dates and locations are as follows:
May 12th - Bergen County Democratic Committee HQ
May 19th - Middlesex County College
June 9th - Camden County Democratic Committee HQ

Building Our Future

Building Our Future is a five-week course open to anyone who is interested in a career in politics. All who complete the training will receive a certification as well as assistance finding a job on a campaign. BOF will meet once a week, on Saturdays, during the months of June and July (exact dates to be released).

BOF Syllabus:

  • Field- Organizing volunteers to work on a campaign; using a hard ask to get what you need from your volunteers; VAN training.
  • Fundraising- Creating a strong fundraising network; building a prospective universe for fundraising; NGP training.
  • Communications- Writing a press release; crafting a message for a campaign; developing relationships with the media.
  • Social Media/Digital- Building a digital presence; understanding best practices for social media; better targeting your audience via social media.
  • Candidate Management- Dealing with a principal; being a body man for a candidate; keeping everyone focused on the campaign’s goals.
  • Applications are open now, please click here to apply!

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