Updated Budget Keeps NJ Healthy, Safe and Home, say Housing Advocates

TRENTON – The Housing and Community Development Network of New Jersey (the Network) supports Gov. Phil Murphy’s newly released budget which proposes investments to build a thriving NJ. In his budget speech today, Gov. Murphy once again committed to investing in creating more homes through the Affordable Housing Trust Fund and encouraged passage of legislation that protects homeowners and renters. On the budget address, Network President and CEO Staci Berger issued the following statement:

“Despite the state’s deep fiscal challenges, Gov. Phil Murphy today showed us that establishing clear protections for renters and homeowners is strong, responsible fiscal policy. We applaud his call for the Legislature to pass the People’s Bill, S2340, which puts those protections into action. We agree that our leaders must act now to prevent the coming wave of evictions and foreclosures. These policies will keep communities healthy, safe, and most important, at home. Governor Murphy knows that housing is health.

“We are thrilled by the governor’s continued commitment to the state’s Affordable Housing Trust Fund that provides communities with essential support to realize housing access and diversity. He is absolutely right that NJ needs more affordable homes, and our members are prepared to help create them. A strong future requires shared sacrifice and additional revenue. We urge the Legislature to adopt this budget, including a Millionaires Tax and other sensible solutions, to build the homes and health New Jersey needs to thrive,” she said.

About the Housing and Community Development Network of NJ
The Housing and Community Development Network of New Jersey is the statewide association of more than 250 community development corporations, individuals and other organizations that support the creation of affordable homes, economic opportunities, and strong communities. For more information on the Network, visit www.hcdnnj.org.

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