US Senate Candidate Pezzullo praises Trump’s Embassy Move

US Senate Candidate Pezzullo praises Trump’s Embassy Move


Freehold Businessman Rich Pezzullo, seeking the nomination of the New Jersey Republican Party for US Senate, took a break from New Year’s Day festivities to comment on President Trump’s move of the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem and the subsequent UN reaction.


“Character,” Pezzullo remarked, “is doing what’s right, not what’s popular.”


He continued, “America stands alone in defense of Israeli sovereignty. I am proud to see the beacon of liberty shining bright despite the best efforts of those who would cast a shadow on our ally in the Middle East.”


“We continue to support human rights in nations whose people curse us, protect nations that compete with us and negotiate with nations that want to kill us. We do these things not because they are popular but because they, too, are right.”


Pezzullo rebuked the resolution of the United Nations to condemn the President’s decision, saying, “We respect the will of a nation that will stand with us, even if others disrespect us for it. We bristle at the notion of supporting the forum by which they formalize this disrespect.”


Quoting Lincoln, Pezzullo said, “We are tasked to act ‘with malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right.’ We are called to do what is right by a power far above the United Nations.”


“Lincoln described a path, not a destination: ‘Let us strive on to finish the work we are in… to do all which may achieve a just and lasting peace, among ourselves and with all nations.’ As long as this nation stands, that work continues. My resolution this year is to move America down the path upon which Lincoln set us, and to reignite his vision in the United States Senate.”


Contact: James Pezzullo – 732-252-4322


About Rich Pezzullo: A Cornell graduate, former Army officer and US Senate candidate, Freehold businessman Rich Pezzullo has been advocating on behalf of New Jersey taxpayers for over twenty years.



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