Vainieri Huttle: Gordon Johnson Should Come Clean About Sexual Misconduct

Vainieri Huttle: Gordon Johnson Should Come Clean About Sexual Misconduct
Valerie Vainieri Huttle, candidate for State Senate in District 37, today called on Gordon Johnson to answer to the voters of District 37 regarding allegations of sexual misconduct after he hypocritically posted about his record on sexual assault.
“Today, on Denim Day, an opportunity to raise awareness around the issue of sexual violence, Gordon Johnson spread claims that he has been “fighting for justice and equality for those victimized, harassed, assaullted or discriminated against.” Let’s get one thing clear, you cannot claim to support survivors when you have remained silent in the face of your own sexual misconduct allegations. You certainly cannot claim to believe survivors when you’ve remained silent. Gordon, you brought this up- now you need to come clean.”
“Let’s also point out another clear example of Gordon’s hypocrisy: as Gordon has remained silent about his allegations of sexual misconduct, he has touted his sponsorship of legislation to protect survivors of sexual violence, legislation authored by me, his opponent.”
“At the end of the day, one thing is abundantly clear: as I have fought for survivors of sexual violence and harassment, Gordon has been accused of it. So, Gordon, let’s stop with the charade, stop dodging questions about your actions and while you’re at it, stop taking credit for your opponents hard work.”