Van Drew Blasts Congress for Radical Scheme to Financially Punish States that Block Offshore Drilling

Van Drew

Van Drew Blasts Congress for Radical Scheme to 

Financially Punish States that Block Offshore Drilling  


(Northfield) – State Senator Jeff Van Drew fought back today against a radical scheme by Congress to financially punish New Jersey and other states that block offshore drilling. As the author of a recent New Jersey law that blocks federal attempts to drill of the coast of New Jersey, Van Drew took issue with this punitive measure that could cost New Jersey hundreds of millions of dollars in federal fees.


State Senator Jeff Van Drew issued the following statement:

“It is outrageous that Congress would consider a scheme to financially punish New Jersey taxpayers as a threat against our efforts to block offshore drilling from our shore communities. This is reckless and irresponsible legislation, which violates our state’s rights, and I will not stand for it. Already, New Jersey woefully is shortchanged on our return on tax dollars we send to Washington and now, dysfunctional politicians think they can blackmail our residents with punitive fines or put our shore in peril. In the state legislature, I have long led the fight to protect our shore-based economy by standing against offshore drilling and in Congress, Washington will heard loud and clear that this will not happen in South Jersey.”

Jeff Van Drew is a practicing dentist from Dennis Township, and is the State Senator for New Jersey’s 1st Legislative District. Van Drew is running for congress in New Jersey’s 2nd Congressional District, which includes all or parts of New Jersey’s eight southern-most counties.


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