Vas, Fonseca, Iglesia, announce ”A Plan to Make Perth Amboy More Safe and Secure”

Joseph B. Vas.

Vas, Fonseca, Iglesia, announce ”A Plan to Make Perth Amboy More Safe and Secure

 “Democrats for Perth Amboy 2024, Together, Perth Amboy Can Do Better”


Perth Amboy, N.J. (February 16, 2024) – Codifying a campaign video released on January 17, 2024, on social media by Democratic candidate for Mayor, Joseph B. Vas, the “Democrats for Perth Amboy, Together Perth Amboy Can Do Better” proudly announce a strategic, attainable, and comprehensive crime reduction and quality of life plan. "City officials can no longer continue to bury their heads in the sand and deny the obvious. Perth Amboy has become less safe by the day. Violent crime in broad daylight, catalytic converters stolen from cars parked in front of their owners' homes, daytime armed robberies and assaults, even middle school students engaged in stabbings outside their schools. The health and safety of our residents are the number one priority of government," state Joseph B. Vas emphatically.


The following safety and security plan has evolved as a result of years of vocal public advocacy by Joseph B. Vas at City Council meetings, only to fall on deaf ears.


“A Plan to Make Perth Amboy Safer and More Secure"

  1. Hire a qualified, trained professional Police Director and end politics and nepotism in the Police Department.
  2. Conduct thorough background checks on all potential new hires and promotional candidates within the Police Department.
  3. Provide increased and visible police presence throughout the city.
  4. Restore the Community Oriented Policing program to help build a partnership between residents and police.
  5. Re-establish the Neighborhood Watch Program by conducting regular community meetings.
  6. Target the ever-growing gang violence and vandalism.
  7. Install energy-efficient LED street lighting throughout the city.
  8. Establish an interactive Police Blotter to inform residents of potential unlawful activity in their neighborhood.
  9. Require the Police Director to provide regular activity reports to media outlets and social media.
  10. Utilize all available technology to combat the increase in violent crimes and vandalism throughout the city.


"I want to live in a safe community. Sadly, in recent years, I have felt increasingly unsafe while driving or walking throughout our Historic City. Traffic goes unmanaged to the point that recently there have been numerous pedestrians struck by vehicles and multi-car accidents at intersections. City Council members must accept responsibility for playing politics with the safety of our residents," an emotional Council Candidate Doris Fonseca exclaimed.

The detailed plan prioritizes the hiring of a full-time trained and qualified Police Director, more transparent engagement from the residents, the re-establishment of the Community Policing and the Neighborhood Watch programs, and enhanced lighting and targeted surveillance cameras. "As the father of a young family, I am startled by the absence of a visible presence of police throughout our City. That’s unacceptable when there are more sworn police officers than at any time in our City’s history. Police department resources must be managed more efficiently by a trained professional," outlined Council Candidate Junior Iglesia.

Mayor Caba, who also serves as Police Director, has no law enforcement police training or credentials. In 2020 when he last campaigned for Mayor, he promised he would bring on a qualified Police Director.

"Interestingly, since my public announcement for Mayor, we now hear former council members who previously denied that crime was an issue, now acknowledge that crime is a problem, one that they intend to solve. The question is whether they will follow through with a plan of action or whether it is simply political pandering. Regardless, we should all welcome good ideas on how to improve public safety. No one person has a monopoly on good ideas," concluded Democratic Candidate Joseph B. Vas.




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