Verlina Reynolds-Jackson announces Run for New Jersey State Assembly Legislative District 15


Trenton, NJ., -- February 1, 2018, I am running for the General Assembly because I want to use

my skills, experience and desire to effect positive change in the State of New Jersey.   I seek a

legislative seat because I believe that we need more women- and in particular- women of color to

join the Mercer County delegation, as well as the entire Democratic legislative caucus in the

General Assembly.


My life's work has been dedicated to improving the quality of life for our residents long before I

became an elected official.  Fighting for special services for my nephews was eye opening and a

reality check. It made me get off the sidelines and into the fight.  When the former, Governor

Christie zeroed out Trenton’s Capital Aide and put us in the Transitional Aide funding formula for

distressed cities, ultimately creating a massive deficit, I knew I may have to take my fight to the

legislature someday.


Despite the lack of support from the Christie administration, as an eight-year city council member,

Certified Municipal Finance Officer, and chair of the finance committee, I was instrumental in

bringing back Police, Firefighters, and essential staff to move the Capital City Forward.  I have

experience in making tough budget decisions, even in the worst of times.  At this point in my life

and career, I want to apply the knowledge and experience I have gained to the many formidable

challenges that confront the State of New Jersey.  As a qualified, energetic new face to the state

legislative process, I will help to shape fresh and creative approaches to the issues that impact

urban, suburban and rural New Jersey. In addition to my desire to represent the 15th district in

the state legislature, I am also prepared to listen to and learn from constituents, my colleagues,

advocates and other voices that contribute mightily to the give and take which occurs under the

golden dome at the State House.  I have developed a working relationship with state leadership

and can hit the ground running.  My experience has prepared me to serve the residents of LD 15

as your next New Jersey State Assemblywoman.  I will be your voice, your advocate, and your

public servant.


Our Top Priorities will be:

  1.  Property Tax Relief - identifying opportunities for new ratables that create new revenue streams, ensure that BIG Corporate Tax Credits actually benefit the community and result in tax reducing ratables.
  2. Education Funding - Fight to fully fund public education in every community.
  3. Protecting the Environment - Protecting our open space, cleaning up toxic waste, and addressing unhealthy air and water quality that is very important to us all.
  4. Affordable Housing - Everyone should have the opportunity to buy a home and send their children to public schools in any of our towns.  I have over 20+ years in real estate development. Two of my projects have received the Governor excellence award in 2015 and 2016. Professionally, I administer quality housing throughout the state of NJ.  I will take that fight and my zeal to the State House.

I will be a committed, passionate and strong voice for the 15th Legislative district.

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