Vince Mazzeo and John Armato Endorsed by One Million New Jersey Labor Members

Vince Mazzeo and John Armato Endorsed by One Million New Jersey Labor Members


Mazzeo and Armato honored to receive the backing of middle-class families



(ABSECON) – Today, Assemblyman Vince Mazzeo and Assemblyman John Armato announced their endorsements by the New Jersey State AFL-CIO.  This is a pivotal endorsement that has come early in the perennially competitive district’s campaign.


“I am honored to be endorsed by the working people of the AFL-CIO,” said Assemblyman Vince Mazzeo.  “I have been committed to representing Atlantic County’s middle-class and working families and advancing their interests. I am proud to have supported a minimum wage increase, equal pay for equal work, and paid family leave.”


The New Jersey State AFL-CIO endorsed the legislators at their annual convention in Atlantic City after the bill signing of Mazzeo and Armato’s historic legislation giving safety alarms to hotel housekeepers. The state AFL-CIO’s 500 delegates, 1,000 labor organizations, and over one million members threw their complete support behind Mazzeo & Armato’s re-election bid.


“As a former union member, I am proud to receive the endorsement of an organization that stands up for workers’ rights, equal pay and safety in the workplace. I stood with them when we enacted a first-in-the-nation law to protect hotel housekeepers, and I am looking forward to standing with them during this campaign,” said Assemblyman John Armato. “I have been focused on creating an economy that will make Atlantic County affordable for middle-class families and I look forward to continuing to work with the AFL-CIO.


“This year’s endorsed candidates understand the challenges facing the middle class and will work to put the interests of New Jersey’s working families first,” Charles Wowkanech, President of the New Jersey State AFL-CIO. “Together, with candidates who support our core values and our many affiliates, the New Jersey labor movement will continue to lead the way forward for the rest of the nation, promoting job creation, quality education, skills training, modernized infrastructure, affordable health care, and a sustainable and secure retirement future for all working families.”






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