Vitale-Greenstein Bill Supporting Caregivers Becomes Law

Vitale-Greenstein Bill Supporting Caregivers Becomes Law

TRENTON – A bill sponsored by Senator Joe Vitale, Chair of the Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee and Senator Linda Greenstein that will establish a task force to evaluate caregiver support services and provide recommendations for the improvement and expansion of the services was signed into law today by Acting Governor Sheila Oliver.

“This law will study and design the kind of support needed by uncompensated caregivers who care for the elderly, disabled and mentally ill,” said Senator Vitale (D-Middlesex).  “Because of a lack of sufficient support services, many caregivers either miss work or are forced to quit their jobs in order to effectively provide caregiving services. These compassionate people who sacrifice to take care of others deserve all the support we can muster. This is a way of helping the helpers.”

Currently, there are an estimated 1.75 million New Jersey residents providing varying degrees of unreimbursed care to those in need. The services caregivers provide in New Jersey have an annual value of more than $13 billion, according to AARP.

“Caregiving can take serious emotional and physical tolls that can lead to consequences in the caregivers’ own lives, ranging from health issues to the loss of wages and health benefits,” said Senator Greenstein (D-Mercer/Middlesex). “Getting a better understanding of the needs of caregivers will allow us to provide assistance to them in areas of their lives where they need it the most.”

The new law, S-959/A-3514, will have the task force identify caregiver support services already available, survey the number of caregivers and summarize their ages and geographic locations, and the amount of time they spend in caregiving activities. It would also require the task force learn the type and frequency of caregiving tasks, the feasibility of delegating tasks to others or to medical personnel, the sufficiency of training programs, support and respite care services, the use of medical leave, and any other topic relevant to the task force’s responsibilities. It would also authorize the task force to solicit, receive, and expend any grant moneys or other funds that may be made available for its purposes.                                      #

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