Vitale Statement on Governor’s Unwillingness to Continue the Smoking Ban in Casinos

Vitale Statement on Governor’s Unwillingness to Continue the Smoking Ban in Casinos


Trenton – Senator Joseph Vitale (D-Middlesex) issued the following statement in response to Governor Murphy’s unwillingness to continue the ban on smoking inside casinos after he signed an executive order allowing for limited indoor dining:


“The science and facts are clear, COVID-19 overwhelmingly spreads when we breathe. Second hand smoke and vapor from electronic cigarettes are enough, but there is absolutely no reason to believe smoking would not also spread the coronavirus because there is simply no way to smoke and wear a face covering.


“The Governor is well within his power to prohibit nearly anything in this state if it would prevent the further spread of the virus. He has played on the safe side with most reopenings and regulations and that is why allowing smoking indoors is so baffling.


“For the continued safety of our residents, I call on the Governor to reinstate the ban on smoking inside casinos immediately. It is the safe, healthy and smart thing to do in normal times, it’s imperative in the times of COVID.”

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