Vote Uncommitted NJ Condemns the Violent Policing of Princeton and other University Protests

Trenton, NJ — Students are responding to the calls from Palestinian Civil Society and targeting their university endowments, which impact public and private universities alike. They will no longer allow the ruling class to profit from their universities’ dealings with the apartheid state of Israel, which includes Israeli firms and U.S. weapons contractors who are capitalizing on Israel’s genocide of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. New Jersey led the way as the first state in the U.S. to divest from Apartheid South Africa. Now, students at Princeton University and across the country are leading the charge to divest on their campuses.

We condemn, in the strongest possible terms, the inappropriate and authoritarian-style crackdowns on student protests, as well as the displays of force utilized to discourage and intimidate peaceful protestors. Such actions are irresponsible and dangerous. They put students, faculty, and community members at risk while violating our right to protest as protected speech. We demand that all university, state, and federal authorities immediately cease said tactics, and that the university bargain with the students in good faith in order to reach a solution toward divestment.

“Despite the McCarthyite response to peaceful, nonviolent protest, we have held our ground and are not giving up any time soon. Our demands are simple and can easily be met to bring about a quick resolution to this action. What we want is full divestment from the racist Israeli apartheid regime and any connection to it, as well as full disclosure of the endowment fund along with other demands that can be found on our social media, @princetondivestnow”, said a participant in the Gaza Solidarity Encampment representing Princeton Divest Now that wished to remain anonymous. “What we need more than anything, is for people who align with our values to constantly be in the area with everyone who supports liberation of the Palestinian people. If you can’t make it here, contact the university via phone or email to demand that all charges against the banned and evicted students be dropped…WE WILL NOT STOP, WE WILL NOT REST, DISCLOSE, DIVEST!”

Our focus must remain on stopping the genocide by any means possible. We ask everyone to join the movement of conscience by casting a vote for Uncommitted in the NJ Democratic Primary on June 4th.


The Vote Uncommitted New Jersey campaign is a grassroots movement bringing together thousands of New Jerseyans from all backgrounds across the state to demand an end to the genocide of the Palestinian people and the United States’ complicity in it.

For more information about Uncommitted NJ, please visit:

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