Warren County Moves to Weekly Posting of COVID-19 Report as Case Numbers Subside

Health Department Has Provided Daily COVID-19 Numbers for Residents Since March 21

(June 19, 2020) – Warren County government will post its COVID-19 case counts
weekly on Wednesday afternoons instead of daily after today’s report.

“With Warren County COVID-19 case counts decreasing to about one case per day, the
Health Department will be updating municipal case counts weekly,” Warren County Health
Officer Pete Summers said. “The case count by municipality will be reported on Wednesday
afternoon along with the department’s weekly COVID-19 Surveillance Report. Daily case counts
by county are still available on NJ Department of Health’s COVID-19 Dashboard,” he added.
Warren County began posting its COVID-19 case count on March 21, updating it daily
until May 15 and every Monday through Friday for the past five weeks.

The chart showing confirmed cases and confirmed recoveries by municipality will
continue to appear on the home page of the Warren County government website,
www.co.warren.nj.us, but will be updated once a week. The weekly COVID-19 Surveillance

Report also is linked from the home page, showing a full range of statistics about the pandemic’s
impact in Warren County.

Information on COVID-19 cases will continue to be posted weekly on the County’s
social media platforms: Warren County, New Jersey, Government on Facebook,
WarrenCountyNJGov (see @WarrenCountyNJ) on Twitter, and Warren County, NJ,
Government (see warren_county_nj_gov) on Instagram.

NJDOH’s info is online at www.nj.gov/health/cd/topics/covid2019_dashboard.shtml and
the NJDOH COVID-19 Dashboard also is linked from Warren County’s website

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