Watson Coleman Joins Delegation to Israel, Meets with Israeli and Palestinian Leaders


Watson Coleman Joins Delegation to Israel, Meets with Israeli and Palestinian Leaders


Washington, D.C. (November 8, 2019) — Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-NJ) spent the November District Work Period learning more about both the strategic partnership between America and Israel and the challenges facing the region while on the ground in Israel with the American Israel Educational Foundation (AIEF), the charitable organization affiliated with AIPAC.

Watson Coleman, along with a group of women Members of Congress from both parties, met with opposition leader Benny Gantz, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and Palestinian diplomat Saeb Erekat. The Congresswomen also participated in a number of site visits, briefings and other meetings in order to build a more comprehensive understanding of our bilateral relationship, new opportunities for closer cooperation, the peace process, and Israel’s security.

“I have always understood the significance and the history of the relationship we have with Israel, but with each opportunity to see it for myself I am reminded of why I remain committed to our strategic partnership, and to strengthening the bond between our two countries.”

AIEF Israel Seminars offer substantive opportunities to learn about the U.S.-Israel relationship. The delegation trip was sponsored by the AIEF, which is privately funded by American citizens.


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