Goal Is To Promote Economic Growth & Candidates Who Will Improve Economy

Citing the need for immediate improvement of state and regional economies, more pro-business policies and effective tax policies, New Jersey businessman Joseph Caruso has launched a new Political Action Committee- - The Organization for Economic Growth (OEG ) http://www.NJOEG.com).

 The NJOEG will serve as an advocate for economic policies that create jobs and spur investment, as well as a supporter of candidates for elected office who back pro-growth policies, says Caruso, who will serve as chairman of the organization.

Caruso, who will serve as chairman of the organization said, “The birth of the PAC comes from the large number of people I meet in and out of business who are completely frustrated by the state’s failed taxation and economic policies. There is a need for an organization that can turn that frustration into action that will change the economic climate of New Jersey."

Caruso said that many elected officials from both parties seem oblivious to the economic peril that New Jersey is in and they fail to comprehend the burden that both homeowners and business owners live under  and what will happen unless drastic changes are made.

"It is shocking to me and many other business people that there are legislators and other elected officials who  continue to advocate for higher taxes and more regulations while ignoring the state's lousy business reputation, its existing tax burden and its monstrous debt problems," said Caruso, a partner in a corporate consulting firm.

"Our goals is to work with well intentioned officials on both sides of the aisle to help create a path to economic prosperity that both Democrats and Republicans can support," added Caruso




The OEG has attracted bright, young and energetic talent like: John DePinto of Bloomfield, who will serve as Vice Chairman, Ray Cottiers of New Milford will be the Director of Strategic Services and Alex Cucciniello of Mahwah will run the day to day operations as the Executive Director.

"If New Jersey doesn't alter course soon, the jobs of the future economy - the jobs that will employ our Millennials -- will be gone, followed by catastrophic economic consequences for the state," added DePinto. "I'm a young professional and I would like to raise a family New Jersey, but currently that does not seem practical-- or possible."


Cucciniello said the OEG will serve as a information center to help educate the public and elected officials on economic and tax issues and to  be a voice against the state's bad economic policies.

"Much of the readily available economic information that is published or broadcast about our state and region is politically charged and often misleading. Our goal is to distill information from people actually working in business  and interact with the media in a constructive way that will lead economic change," said Cucciniello, who formerly worked in Washington D.C. as an intern in the White House Office of Political Affairs.

"I also believe people need to fully understand the consequences of New Jersey's continued bad economic policies," added Cucciniello.

Cottiers stated, “many public officials who want to improve the economy lack the information or the forum to persuade their constituents or colleagues about the best course to follow. Part of our mission will be to provide data to officials who are seriously committed to breaking down the barriers to economic growth. And part of our mission will be to be a the voice -- across various media platforms --  that argues against policies that harm businesses.”



The new Organization will host its initial fundraising event in January; details will be available shortly. For more information visit NJOEG.com and follow and like us on Facebook at Organization for Economic Growth (@StrengthThroughIndustry).

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