Wayne Republicans Announce Slate Lonni Miller Ryan for Mayor -- Jim Marrocco, Matt Rosenthal, and Kevin Kearney for Council-at-Large
WAYNE, NJ -- The Wayne Regular Republican Organization (WRRO) has announced its slate of candidates for the 2017 municipal election. Current Council President Lonni Miller Ryan is the party’s candidate for Mayor. Jim Marrocco, Matt Rosenthal, and Kevin Kearney are the party’s Council-at-Large candidates.
“The vote was not close,” explained Marrotta. “Lonni Miller Ryan, Jim Marrocco, Matt Rosenthal, and Kevin Kearney were our party’s choice by a more than 2-to-1 margin. It’s clear that our members who represent every neighborhood in our town believe Wayne needs a change in direction and energy. The Wayne PBA recently held a Vote of No Confidence in the Police Chief. Our candidate selection was a clear Vote of No Confidence in our current Mayor,” Marrotta said.
Council President Lonni Miller Ryan has served on the Council since 2010 and as Council President for an unprecedented two consecutive terms. Known for her compassion, leadership, energy, and thorough understanding of the issues, Miller Ryan has been an effective advocate for the citizens of Wayne. She has been successful in her fight to stop plans to rezone the town, been a fierce protector of open space, and an innovator who is working to minimize the impact of state affordable housing mandates on Wayne. She is also the newly named Chair of the Passaic River Basin Flood Task Force. Lonni and her husband Billy are 40+ year residents of Wayne who are raising their three children in Packanack Lake.
“As an active volunteer, as one of the founders of Wayne VOAD and Wayne’s Long-Term Recovery Organization, as a former Planning Board member, and as a Councilwoman, Lonni is someone who has been here for Wayne, our residents, and our businesses time and time again. She has helped us face challenges and worked on issues big and small. Lonni Miller Ryan has a vision for Wayne and will be an excellent Mayor. Lonni, Jim, Matt, and Kevin all share that vision and are committed to elevating Wayne Township,” Marotta said.
Jim Marrocco is the owner of Passaic County’s oldest family business -- Marrocco Memorial Chapel – and two other businesses: the Cremation Society of New Jersey and Faithful Companion Pet Cremation Service. He has been a member of Wayne’s Planning Board since 2011 and has donated his time to and held leadership positions in professional organizations and the Knights of Columbus, Fidelian’s of America, and the North Jersey Chamber of Commerce. He has been involved in Boy Scouts of America for 50 years, serving as a Scout Master for 12 years. He and his wife Nina have lived in Wayne for over 20 years and are the proud parents of three grown children and three grandchildren.
Matt Rosenthal is both an accomplished IT executive and business strategist with an impressive history of success. He currently serves as the President/CEO of Mindcore, a full-service IT company he started in 2005. He’s a life-long resident of Wayne, who thrives on helping people and serving his community. Matt currently is a Member of Board of Directors of the Metropolitan YMCA of the Oranges (which includes the Wayne YMCA). He served as a Volunteer Firefighter of Wayne Fire Company #3 since 1991 and has been a member of the Wayne Zoning Board of Adjustment since 2016. He and his wife Amy have two daughters who currently attend Theunis Dey Elementary School.
Kevin Kearney is a recently retired Wayne Police Department Sgt. 1st Class who has dedicated his adult life to serving and protecting our country as a U.S. Marine and Wayne Township as a 25-year member of the WPD. He and his wife Linda live in the Lions Head Lake section of town and are the proud parents of four children, four grandchildren, and two basset hounds. Kearney was chosen by the GOP when Joanie Walsh withdrew her name from the race citing in a letter “unforeseen circumstances” that make her “unable at this time to make the commitment the party and the citizens of Wayne deserve.”