Webber Campaign Launches Digital Ad Revealing Mikie Sherrill's Secret Admiration For Nancy Pelosi

Whippany, NJ – Last week, on September 25th, at a campaign event at the Cedar Crest retirement community, Mikie Sherrill affirmed her not-too-secret admiration for one-and-would-be-again Democrat Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
Sherrill fawned in admiration of former Speaker Pelosi, "I think she has been the most effective Speaker of the House that we have seen in decades. I applaud the legislation she has been able to pass.”
The Webber For Congress campaign is releasing this audio in a new digital ad that can be found HERE.
Campaign spokesperson Ronica Cleary made the following statement: "Mikie Sherrill is not the moderate that her sleek campaign ads would have you believe she is. It's clear that she is a Pelosi Democrat. Mikie may say she will vote for new leadership in Washington, but if she believes Pelosi is the ‘most effective Speaker of the House that we have seen in decades,’ we know she is simply going to vote for Pelosi 2.0, whatever her or his name is. This country has moved past the days of Nancy Pelosi rushing through disastrous, far-left legislation. A Speaker by another name with the same Pelosi policies will do nothing to make New Jersey more affordable, or America stronger or more prosperous. We need a bipartisan leader like Jay Webber to keep this country moving forward into the next decade, not back to 2006."