Webber for Congress Campaign Releases “Women for Webber” Coalition

Webber for Congress Campaign Releases “Women for Webber” Coalition

For Immediate Release

Whippany, NJ –Today the Webber for Congress Campaign released a coalition of over 300 women leaders residing in or representing New Jersey’s 11th Congressional District.Jay Webber released the following statement along with a list of supporters:

“As the grandson of two working grandmothers, the son of a working mom, the husband of a Harvard-trained lawyer, and the father of four beautiful daughters, I am committed to maintaining and expanding opportunity for all women and men in America.  I watched how my grandmothers and my mom sacrificed for years to help make ends meet for their families.  I support my wife in the decisions she makes balancing her immense professional talents with her devotion to our kids.  And I try to nurture and develop my daughters’ dreams for their futures in our great country. 

 “My number one mission in public service is to ensure that the America my grandmothers and mom helped build continues to provide opportunities for women and girls like my wife and daughters.  The good news is our vision for America is working. Female unemployment is at historic lows, female leadership of Fortune 500 companies is at historic highs, and wages for all workers – female and male – are surging.  

“I have fought for that kind of empowerment for years.  As an Assemblyman, I led a bipartisan coalition to help increase funding and support for women who were victims of domestic violence. I pushed for more freedom for women to start businesses from their homes, and have advocated for the kind of low-tax, common-sense regulations that allow all New Jersey entrepreneurs to survive and thrive.

“In the private sector, I have created jobs for working mothers and provided flexible schedules to allow them to balance their professional development with their family obligations.  And as an attorney, I stand up on behalf of women who have suffered unfair retaliation and discrimination in the workplace. 

"Let me be clear, equal pay has been and should be law of the land. That is a principle I have defended in my professional career, and a principle that I will fight for in Congress.

“In Congress, I will bring that experience and understanding with me and work with leaders from both parties to advance the interests of our great Country and make it the Nation it deserves to be.”

New Jersey Senator Kristen Corrado added her support of Webber in the following statement:

“Jay Webber has my full support in his race for Congress.  I know he will go to Washington and continue his work of reaching out to anyone who can improve America and our great Garden State.”

Morris County Freeholder Heather Darling added the following in support of Webber:

“I know that Jay Webber’s vision for America is bright, optimistic, and hopeful.  He is compassionate and understanding, both in his personal life and as a public servant, and he is the candidate that I want representing the lion’s share of Morris County in Congress.”

Women for Webber Coalition:

Isabella Alfano- Parsippany
Laura Ali- Chatham Twp
Helena Ali- Chatham Twp
Susan Allen- Chatham Borough
Mary Anderson- Madison
Sharon Andes- Denville
Virginia Apelian- Parsippany
Marybeth Appio- Parsippany
Karen Arakelian- Montville
Aristea Argyriou- Hanover
Carol Armstrong- Nutley
Mary Arnold- Florham Park
Jan M. Arthur- Madison
Maria Balija- Nutley
Jennifer Barisciano- East Hanover
Georgina Barnes- Randolph
Sharon Battaglino- Mendham Borough
Lucia Benell- East Hanover
Cheryl Birmingham- Jefferson
Patricia Black- Pequannock
Maria C. Bober- Florham Park
Mary Bovich- Verona
Amanda Boyadjis- Morris Twp
Jennifer Brady- Sparta
Charlotte Brask- Chatham Twp
Kim Brookes- Rockaway Twp
Martha Brown- Pequannock
Debbie Burack- Livingston
Mariann Burgess- Wayne
Nancy Burwell- Morris Twp
Rebecca Calvi- Butler
Marianne Carillo- Chatham Twp
Heather Cascone- Pequannock
Debra Casha- Kinnelon
Betty Cass-Schmidt- Pequannock
Phyllis Cavallaro- Totowa
Rama Chatrathi- Parsippany
Sandra Mary Chiazzo- East Hanover
Nancy Choffo- Parsippany
Marilyn Cioffi- Denville
Barbara Cioletti- Totowa
Heather Class- Parsippany
Madison Colaco- Sparta
Alice Collopy- Morris Plains
Carolyn Coon- Morris Twp
Judith Costa- Wayne
Janice Coviello- Chatham Borough
Nancy Crefeld- Pequannock
Emma M. Curcio- Livingston
Alice Cutler- Morristown
Kathy Dailey- Madison
Victoria Dammer- Florham Park
Morris County Freeholder Heather Darling- Roxbury
Dawn Caputo Davidson- Chatham Borough
Noreen  De Marco- Wayne
Tracy Decrosta- Jefferson
Marianne Dedeo- East Hanover
Councilwoman Alison Deeb- Morristown
Lucy DeFalco- Rockaway Twp
Morris County Freeholder Kathryn DeFillippo- Roxbury
Emily DeGregorio- Morristown
Athena Demetropoulos- Montville
Megan Densmore- Parsippany
Dolores DePierro- Parsippany
Rose Dezenzo- Chatham Twp
Karen Di Cristina- Wayne
Melissa DiBlasi- Totowa
Cecelia DiLauri- Hanover
Pip Donahoe- Chatham Twp
Lili Donahue- Parsippany
Denise Dugan- Hanover
Ethel Eger- Pequannock
Laura Esposito- Chatham Borough
Rez Estevez- Chatham Twp
Renee Fanok- Boonton Twp
Geraldine P. Faraher- Madison
Lois Farrell- Pequannock
Elizabeth Ferrara- Kinnelon
Councilwoman Karen Ferrone- Chester
Gloria Fico- Madison
Councilwoman Kimberley Finnegan- Jefferson
Valerie Fiske- Denville
Beth S. Flippo- Livingston
Councilwoman Melissa Florance-Lynch- Pequannock
Dolores Forino- West Orange
Josephine Freda- Parsippany
Councilwoman Laurie Fu- Morris Plains
Lucia Galdi- Morris Plains
Carol Gallentine- Roseland
Karen Gazzillo- Kinnelon
Daniella Giambattista- East Hanover
Kimberly Gigantino- Hanover
Nicole Ginis- Roseland
Darlene Golinksi- Denville
Karin I. Gonzales- Jefferson
Michelle Gorman- Chatham Twp
Debra Gottsleben- Morristown
Councilwoman Loretta Gragnani- Parsippany
Amy Grasso- Hanover
Deena Greenebaum- Mendham Twp
Carol Greengrove- Nutley
Linda Gregg- Washington Twp
Morris County Clerk Ann Grossi- Parsippany
Lynne  Gundlach- Montville
Theresa Haefeli- Totowa
Cynthia Happer- Mountain Lakes
Lisa Hart- Chatham Borough
Faye Hastings- Hanover
Kim Heeren- Rockaway Twp
Margaret Herold- Morris Twp
Sheila Higgins- Chatham Borough
Lenore Hoffman- Chatham Borough
Rafaella Hoffman- Chatham Borough
Caroline Hoffman- Chatham Borough
Amelia Hoffman- Chatham Borough
Shirley Honickel- Chatham Twp
Nancy Hortas- Totowa
Marie  Hosig- Parsippany
Sharon Hovenburg- Montville
Nancy Hunt- Morris Plains
Brenda Hynes- Chatham Borough
Camille Intelisano- Verona
Evelyn Justesen- Pequannock
Laurel Kamin- Mount Olive
Carole Karsen- Montville
Alida Kass- Chatham Borough
Helen Kecskemety- Chatham Borough
Elizabeth Kelly- Florham Park
Catherine Kelly- Morris Plains
Barbara Kelly- Morris Plains
Maria Kent- Pompton Lakes
Mary Kielbasa- Parsippany
Artemis Kinzer- Parsippany
Florinda Kochaha- Wayne
Sandra L. Kohut- Jefferson
Karli Kohut- Parsippany
Judith Kolk- Wayne
Mary Beth Kolster- Chatham Twp
Irene Krivda- Parsippany
Marie Kull- Montville
Victoria Kurtz- Parsippany
Tonia Lafaro- Chatham
Margaret Lam- Montville
Dolores Lasala- Jefferson
Carol Lasky- East Hanover
Rosemarie Leek- Hopatcong
Linda Lenz- Pequannock
Barbara Leonard- Chatham Twp
Niki Lipkin- Parsippany
Mary Lish- Nutley
Cindy Litwin- Jefferson
Lisa LoBiondo- Montville
Marilyn Loeb- Morris Plains
Lorraine Lombardi- Rockaway Twp
Marianne Lowe- Parsippany
Janice Lynch- Wayne
Michelle Lynch- Morris Plains
Cameron Lyon- Montville
Suzanne Lyon- Montville
Joanne Maher Gavin- Florham Park
Nevena G. Manov- Florham Park
Louise Marchese- Pequannock
Barbara Martin- Wayne
Kaye Marziale- West Caldwell
Gloria Maynard-Morales- Morristown
Council President Suzanne McCluskey- Morris Plains
Jemma McGuinness- Morris Plains
Nancy Metz- Randolph
Gail Meytrott- Montville
Linda A. Michalowski- Florham Park
Maria Miele- East Hanover
Carol Ann Miller- Chatham Twp
Marian Miller- Hanover
Nancy Misasi- Wanaque
Carmela L. Moeller- Madison
Sophia Mogendovich- East Hanover
Doris Monroe- Kinnelon
Lisa Monteyne- Wayne
Sylvia Motichka- Wayne
Denyse Motola- Wayne
Marie M. Mullaney- Livingston
Judith Mullins- Madison
Linda Murphy- Morristown
Mary Ellen Murray- Morris Twp
Morris County Freeholder Christine Myers- Mendham Twp
Maryclare Myers- Morris Plains
Thelma Myhren- Hanover
Elizabeth Nader- Morristown
Theresa Naklicki- Wayne
Joann Napoliello- Randolph
Sharon Napolitano- Hanover
Lyudmila Narymsky- West Orange
Evelyn Nash- Madison
Carol Neighbour- Sparta
Jennifer Nelson- Rockaway Twp
Frances Neri- Rockaway Twp
Ruth Nicholson- Morristown
Susan Noble- Jefferson
Nancy Nubel- Chatham Borough
Anne Nye- Montville
Christine O'Brien- Randolph
Eileen O'Connor- Chatham Twp
Pauline O'Donnell Rockaway Twp
Sheila   O'Kane Pequannock
Kimberly Ann Orlando- Jefferson
Elizabeth Orme- Florham Park
Elizabeth Oschwald- West Orange
Mary Oswald- Mendham Twp
Donna Ott- Denville
Christie Pagano- Montville
Anne Pagano   - Totowa
Patti Page- Chatham Borough
Gerarda Panzella- Totowa
Carol Paskert- Hanover
Carol Ann Pasqua- Madison
Josephine Passalaqua- Florham Park
Jamie Pellington- Butler
Diane Pennacchio- Montville
Phyllis Pepe- Hanover
Jessica Perez- Madison
Linda Peskin- Montville
Patty Petaccia- Parsippany
Sussex County Freeholder Sylvia Petillo- Sparta
Kristin Pfeffer- Morris Plains
Camille Piccirillo- Butler
Annabel Pierce- Montville
Jean Pintagro- Pequannock
Arlene Price- Randolph
Mary Purzycki- Parsippany
Jane Re- Nutley
Teresita Refol- Caldwell
Grace Reiner- Wayne
Jane Richards- Hanover
Deborah Richenaker- Hanover
Anna Riker- Morris Twp
Marie A. Ringstad- Hanover
Diana Rochford- Morris Plains
Eileen Rodgers- East Hanover
Mary Ann Rodgers- East Hanover
Marilyn Rogalski- Stanhope
Theresa Romano- Madison
Angela Rossi- Parsippany
Emily Row- Sparta
Alice Ruggieri- Pequannock
Marie Rusignuolo- Nutley
Kyle Russell- Pequannock
Sherri A. Saarloos- Jefferson
Vanessa T. Saitta- East Hanover
Phyllis Sansone- Parsippany
Micheala N. Santasieri- Jefferson
Genevieve L. Santasieri- Jefferson
Natalie Saunders- Pequannock
Joan Scaccia- Morris Plains
Assemblywoman, LD-39 Holly Schepisi- River Vale
Jeanne Schmidt- Nutley
Angelique Scholl- Morristown
Mary Scibetta- Wayne
Evelyn Scioscia- Nutley
Nicole Seligmuller- Rockaway Twp
Myra Sesko- Randolph
Stephanie Sharratt- Montville
Morris County Freeholder Deborah Smith- Denville
Grace Smith- Denville
Jenifer M. Smith- Madison
Inja Smith- West Orange
Clara Smorto- Nutley
Dottie Smythe- Chatham
Nancy Snyder- Parsippany
Debra Socci- Montville
Carissa Soto- Hanover
Ruth Spellman- Pequannock
Angela Stanton- Parsippany
Nicole Stefanelli- Nutley
Deputy Mayor           Karen Swartz- Chatham Twp
Marion Sytsma- Totowa
Laurie Szewczyk- Hanover
Dolores Tamburro- East Hanover
Irene Tanchak- Montville
Councilwoman Ann Thompson- Lincoln Park
Susan Tietjen- East Hanover
Ariel Tolome- Wayne
Kathleen Townsend- Chatham Twp
Marilynn Toye-Young- Morris Plains
Maria Travers- Butler
Molly Tully- Chatham Twp
Elizabeth Tully- Sparta
Priscilla Ursino- Chatham Twp
Donna M. Vanderploeg- Jefferson
Barbara Victor- Butler
Kelsey Wagner- Morristown
Barbara S. Waldron- Jefferson
Connie Walsh- Parsippany
Joanie  Walsh- Wayne
Mary Ellen Warholic- Montville
Stacy-Ann Webb- Pequannock
Johanna Webber- Morris Plains
Dorothy Weisert- Parsippany
Christina White- Pequannock
Patricia Wickens- Madison
Geraldine Wilpert- Jefferson
Celine  Winans- Boonton Twp
Vincenta Wolfe- Morris Plains
Diana Platt Wright- Morristown
Robin Ziegler- Butler


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