Webber Releases Policy Paper: Pillars Of A Safe And Fair Immigration System

Pillars Of A Safe And Fair Immigration System
Jay Webber For Congress

For Immediate Release

Whippany, NJ - Jay Webber, candidate for Congress released a policy paper announcing his four pillars of a safe and fair immigration system.

“Our country is held together by a shared set of values and should be open to those who will commit to upholding them. Those values we hold dear include respect for the rule of law and protecting our nation from those who do not share that respect. We can work together to make sure that our nation of immigrants continues to be a welcoming place, even as we uphold our laws and ensure fairness for all Americans.” – Jay Webber Secure Our Borders
The Federal Government has an obligation to undertake a core function of any sovereign nation– it must be able to exercise control over who crosses its borders.  Any discussion of immigration policy must start with prioritizing border security, and establishing and enforcing a fully functioning system of immigration control. Physical barriers appear to make sense for some of the border, and where not practical, additional agents or technology should be deployed to secure the border.End Sanctuary Cities
Sanctuary City policies must be stopped and we must support our federal immigration enforcement agents.  Instructing local police officers to ignore federal law and refuse cooperation in capturing criminal aliens is a radical step that negates the will of the people as expressed through our nation’s elected representatives.  It also allows for criminal illegal aliens to walk freely within our neighborhoods and put our families and Law Enforcement at risk.

We must also support the critically important work done by Immigration and Customs Enforcement as it works to combat gang violence, drug dealers, terrorist threats, and sex trafficking.

Merit-Based Immigration
Our immigration policy must be reoriented toward skill and merit and away from random lotteries and extended “chain migration” that does not account for or contribute to our nation’s economic well-being.

Common Sense Solution For Dreamers
As part of a commitment to securing the border and enforcing our existing laws, we should find a reasonable path to legal status for those young men and women who are here illegally through no fault of their own and who consider America their home.

“The radical activists supporting and backing Mikie Sherrill have seriously distorted the mission of ICE in the media over the past few weeks. I’m supporting Jay Webber because he understands the importance of ICE and a secure border.” –Mark Kelly, Former ICE Officer

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