Webber Votes Against Giving Women of New Jersey a Well-Deserved Raise
Webber Votes Against Giving Women of New Jersey a Well-Deserved Raise
Today the New Jersey Assembly voted to strengthen New Jersey’s economy and New Jersey’s families by guaranteeing pay equity for women. In New Jersey women make 80 cents to every a dollar their male counterparts make. For women of color the pay gap is an incredible 58 cents to every dollar for African-American women and 43 cents to every dollar for Latina women. In response to today’s vote Mikie Sherrill, Democratic candidate for New Jersey’s 11th Congressional District issued the following statement:
“In 2018 it is hard to believe that any legislator would vote against ensuring women get equal pay for equal work. I am deeply disappointed that Assemblyman Jay Webber chose to vote, yet again, against legislation that would give the women of New Jersey a well-deserved raise. As one of just two members to vote against this bill, he is out of step with the people of New Jersey and not the type of leader we want in Trenton or deserve in Washington."
Assemblyman Webber was one of two votes against the equal pay bill which passed the New Jersey Assembly 74 to 2 and 35 to 0 in the New Jersey Senate. Assemblyman Webber is running for Congress in New Jersey’s 11th Congressional District.