Weber: Rep. Leonard Lance Breaks Promise to Constituents and Votes to Advance GOP Tax Bill That Raises Taxes on the Middle Class and Working Poor

Rep. Leonard Lance Breaks Promise to Constituents and Votes to Advance GOP Tax Bill That Raises Taxes on the Middle Class and Working Poor


NJ-7 Democratic Candidate Linda Weber's Statement


Yesterday, a few hours after promising his constituents that he would oppose the Trump/GOP tax scam, Leonard Lance voted to send the bill to conference committee with the Senate. This is yet another example of Leonard Lance’s Washington doublespeak and flip-flopping. He continues to prioritize the demands of corporate special interests and ultra-wealthy donors over the needs of the residents of the 7th District.


Raising taxes on middle and lower-income Americans to fund tax cuts for large corporations, that are already hoarding record amounts of cash, has nothing to do with growing the economy and everything to do with rewarding rich donors. Leonard Lance is enabling this hypocrisy while pretending he’s against it. It’s time that the families of New Jersey’s 7th Congressional District had a representative who will put the needs of the district ahead of corporate special interests, party politics, and political expediency.

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