WED: Sierra Club and Enviro Groups Reveal Shocking Report on Fracking

WED: Sierra Club and Enviro Groups Reveal Shocking Report on Fracking


The New Jersey Sierra Club will be holding a press conference with the Delaware Waterkeeper Network, and other environmental groups in response to a comprehensive report released this week, “Keystone Secrets: Records Show Widespread Use of Secret Fracking Chemicals are a Looming Risk for Delaware River Basin, Pennsylvania Communities”, by Partnership for Policy Integrity (PFPI). The report shows the hidden dangers of fracking and chemicals used in fracking and the impact of fracking waste. The report also documents that drilling companies have extensively used loopholes in Pennsylvania rules that allow companies to withhold chemical identities as trade secrets. The coalition urges Governor Murphy to keep his commitment a support a complete ban on fracking and fracking activities in the Delaware River Basin.

Who:  Jeff Tittel, Director, The New Jersey Sierra Club; Tracy Carluccio Delaware Riverkeeper Network; Author of “Keystone Secrets”, Dusty Horwitt of the Massachusetts-based Partnership for Policy Integrity (PFPI), Environment New Jersey, Clean Water Action

What: Press Conference with environmental groups in response to new report that shows hidden dangers of fracking and fracking waste.

When: Wednesday, September 10, 2018 at NOON

Where: Statehouse Annex Steps, 131-137 W State St, Trenton, NJ 08608

“This is report is a real wakeup call. We knew fracking was bad, but the new report shows how bad it really is. These companies use the excuse of trade secrets to hide from the public and first responders the different types of toxic chemicals. We can’t treat what we don’t know so this creates a hidden danger to communities exposed to fracking and fracking waste. The people of the Delaware River Valley want to be protected from all forms of fracking, including the contaminated waste that comes from it,”said Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club. “’Keystone Secrets” proves that it is more important than ever that Governor Murphy and the rest of the DRBC approve a full fracking ban that includes no dumping of fracking waste. Fracking and fracking waste threaten the drinking water for 15 million people in the Delaware Valley, Governor Murphy must step up to protect our water and stop fracking!”

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