Weinberg Challenges Civil Service Commission on Proposed Rule Changes for Workplace Discrimination and Harassment

Weinberg in Teaneck.

Weinberg Challenges Civil Service Commission on Proposed Rule Changes for Workplace Discrimination and Harassment


Trenton – Senate Majority Leader Senator Loretta Weinberg submitted the attached “public comment” to the New Jersey Civil Service Commission challenging its proposed changes to the State Policy and Procedures Prohibiting Discrimination in the Workplace.


The changes would effectively silence survivors who work for the state and report sexual harassment or assault, threatening them with disciplinary action, including job termination, if they discuss with others their allegations or any resulting investigation, Senator Weinberg said.


The proposed rule changes, published in the New Jersey Register on February 19, 2019, are subject to public input during a “comment period” before they can be implemented.

Weinberg Letter to Myers April 16, 2019
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