Weinberg To Introduce Legislation Banning Nondisclosure Agreements that Seek to Silence Victims of Sexual Harassment, Assault

Weinberg To Introduce Legislation Banning Nondisclosure Agreements that Seek to Silence Victims of Sexual Harassment, Assault


TRENTON – Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg said today she will introduce legislation to ban nondisclosure agreements that seek to conceal the details of sexual harassment, assault, abuse or other misconduct in the workplace.


The senator’s proposal comes after media reports that film executive Harvey Weinstein reached at least eight settlement agreements with women over nearly three decades, and after reports of settlements paid in relation to claims against former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly and former chairman Roger Ailes. The senator issued the following statement:


“The recent cases involving Harvey Weinstein and other high-profile figures shined a much-needed light on the issue of sexual harassment and assault, and also on the need to address the system that allows offenders to keep these cases quiet. I am in the process of drafting legislation to ban nondisclosure agreements related to life safety, sexual harassment, assault and other misconduct. The intent is to prevent perpetrators from using these agreements to silence victims and to cover up offenses that often they end up committing again. I expect to introduce the legislation in the coming weeks, when the Legislature returns to session, and look forward to discussing this critical issue with victims’ advocacy organizations and my colleagues.”

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