Weinberg Lauds Governor’s Executive Order on Gun Safety

Weinberg Lauds Governor’s Executive Order on Gun Safety


Trenton – Senate Majority Leader Senator Loretta Weinberg issued the following statement in support of the Governor’s Executive Order No. 83, directing the New Jersey Department of Treasury, the Division of Purchase and Property, and the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance to promote responsible gun safety practices for gun vendors and financial institutions providing services to the state, and take action against insurance policies that encourage firearm use:


“This is a powerful and unique step in the fight against gun violence. When it comes to determining who our state does business with, holding the gun industry to the highest possible standard is as important as passing safety legislation. This executive order says that when it comes to protecting our citizens from firearms, New Jerseyans will not stand for business as usual.


“I commend Governor Murphy for all his efforts to this end, especially this new line in the sand. This is a national crisis and the fight is far from over, but I am glad to see New Jersey putting our money where our mouth is for the foreseeable future.”


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