Weinberg Sponsored ‘Equal Pay Day’ Joint Resolution Advances

Weinberg Sponsored ‘Equal Pay Day’ Joint Resolution Advances


TRENTON – A joint resolution sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg that would designate the second Tuesday in April of each year as “Equal Pay Day” was passed by the Senate Labor Committee today.


“It has been over fifty-five years since the passage of the Equal Pay Act and women are still fighting to receive truly equal pay,” said Senator Weinberg (D-Bergen).  “Women have continued to earn considerably less than their male counterparts as employers across the country have displayed an absent-sense of urgency in regards to progress in pay equity.  The designation of the second Tuesday in April as Equal Pay Day represents the number of extra days a typical woman working full-time would have to work into the current year to make the same amount of wages as a typical man did in the previous year. Bringing the needed attention to the persisting disparity women face in the workplace would encourage employers to finally provide truly equal pay and recognition to the significant contributions women bring to the workplace.”


The joint resolution, SJR-37, would authorize the Governor to annually issue a proclamation calling upon public officials, private organizations, and all citizens and residents of New Jersey to observe the day with appropriate activities and programs.

The bill was release from committee by a vote of 5-0, and next moves to the full Senate for further consideration.


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