Welle Earns Support of 32BJ SEIU

June 7th, 2018 (Eatontown, NJ) 32BJ SEIU announced their endorsement for Josh Welle, Democratic candidate for New Jersey’s 4th Congressional District after congratulating him on his Primary Election victory.
New Jersey State Director of 32BJ, Kevin Brown, stated shortly after Tuesday night’s victory, “We congratulate Joshua Welle on his Primary Day victory. We think Welle will work toward making New Jersey a more inclusive state and will put problem-solving and bipartisan solutions over ideology. Our district looks forward to working with him as we head into November’s midterm elections.”
Welle welcomed the endorsement saying, “I’m grateful for the support of SEIU 32BJ heading into the November midterms. We must unite as Democrats to advance organized labor and policies that will help people get ahead in this evolving economy. Voters across the 4th District should know that Rep. Chris Smith is no friend to working families and does not address Central Jersey’s 21st-century challenges. Smith fails to lead on achieving a living wage and comprehensive immigration reform.”
32BJ SEIU represents 12,000 property service workers including: office cleaners, school maintenance and food service workers, residential workers and security officers while also working with airport workers. They have been successful in passing progressive legislation in New Jersey including paid sick leave laws and Standard Wage legislation in various counties and cities.
Brown concluded saying, “We are confident Welle would be a champion for DREAMers and TPS recipients and enact progressive legislation that would be a welcome change in a district whose current representative has failed immigrant communities with his inaction and false promises.”
Josh Welle is an Annapolis graduate, Afghanistan veteran, Commander in the Navy Reserve, and former founder of a technology company. He was raised in Wall Township and is the Democratic candidate for New Jersey’s 4th Congressional District competing to unseat 37-year incumbent Chris Smith. He lives with his wife, Angela, in Monmouth County, New Jersey.