West Milford GOP Vice Chair: Local West Milford Republican Chair Disgraced his Own Party

In his exuberance to support the PCRRO backed candidate for Congress in the 11th district West Milford Municipal Republican Chairman Matt Conlon sided with a notorious double dipping, liberal Democrat., said Michelle Dale, the West Milford Republican Organization Vice Chair.

Dale said the municipal leader’s support of state Senator Nellie Pou’s criticism of Jay Webber for failing to vote for a pay equity bill was "thoughtless showmanship, and an embarrassment to the West Milford Republican Organization."

"Matt has to recognize that his position as leader carries with it responsibilities and consequences," said Dale. "His support of Senator Pou's attack on Assemblyman Webber was an ill-advised bit of political showmanship that backfired. Matt failed to recognize that; instead he chose to "like" Ms. Pou's Facebook post criticizing Webber. His action was unfortunate and unwarranted."

She added Assemblyman Webber, who represents West Milford in the state legislature, is running for a congressional seat that does not include West Milford. "I don't understand the logic of Matt sticking his nose in a race that does not concern him or the West Milford Republicans and attacking one of our state legislators who - depending on the outcome of the June 5th Primary - could still be representing our town through next year. We still need to have a relationship with the Assemblyman -- I don't think Matt fully understands the consequences of his actions."

Finally, Dale added, that Conlon's support of Senator Pou's condemnation of Webber is a sign of his eagerness to ingratiate himself with county political bosses who oppose Webber and are backing Tony Ghee in the 11 Congressional District Primary Election on June 5.

"Matt's first priority as chairman has to be West Milford. - not the concerns of the down county bosses. He should take a lesson from Tony Ghee who came to the defense of his rival Webber when he was attacked by Pou. Republicans shouldn't be beating the drum for liberal Democrats like Pou and furthering their message.

I suggest that Mr. Conlon apologize to the West Milford Republican organization and focus on issues affecting the township."

Read Conlon's response statement here

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