West Milford Mayoral Candidate Alleges Smear Campaign


Michele Dale is misleading the public on the intentions of myself & Republican Congressional Candidate John McCann for reaching out to voters on our platform back in May at our meet & greet, which was held at the American Legion at no cost to attendees. We rented the room, like any other person or organization could have. The American Legion did not endorse or promote our campaign. The American Legion rents the room as one of their income sources.

Below is a post by American Legion Commander Bob Allwood. This proves Dale is taking politics to a new low by bashing the American Legion in her smear campaign.

The only bylaws broken are the West Milford Regular Republican Municipal County Committee Bylaws by Michele Dale when she publicly attacked her fellow Republican Candidate John McCann. I, for one, publicly support McCann for Congress.

I request that Michele Dale remove her video immediately and state a formal apology to myself, Congressional Candidate McCann, and the American Legion for attacking Veterans for political gain.

“I want to put this out there. We, meaning the American Legion Post, will not support any particular political party. We do support our President, who ever it might be and the freedom for this country and the people in it.

Our hall is open for rental to anyone that wants to rent it, Legion members and friends of the Legion. We use the hall for birthdays, engagement partys, christenings, etc.

We are getting bashed for something that we didn’t do. We rented our hall, that’s it. Anyone that wanted to come in and ask a question, to the candidates, could have walked in.”

(Bob Allwood, October 24 at 2:27 PM)

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