West Milford Republican Organization Co -Chair Michele Dale is questioning the validity of a political event scheduled tonight in the township that she says blurs the lines of politics and government.
The event is billed as a "Meet and Greet" held for District 5 congressional candidate John McCann. The event is hosted by two West Milford council candidates - Councilman Tim Wagner and candidate Paul Zarillo - at the American Legion hall on Lincoln Avenue.
Dale said the event is troubling and is another case of Wagner blurring ethical lines. The meet and greet has a published agenda that proposes to discuss West Milford's budget, recreation, senior service and business issues, as well as a Greenwood Lake update.
"Is it a political event or a public town hall meeting? asked Dale.
Dale also points out that the American Legion, according to the organization's bylaws, cannot take part in partisan election activities.
" Mr. Wagner is hosting a political event to help himself and those running on his political line. It does not include other Republicans running in opposition to Mr. Wagner and his running mates. It's not a debate between Mr. McCann and Steve Lonegan, who is also running for Congress. This event serves just the political interests of Mr. Wagner - but I'm not sure that the American Legion commander realizes that because of the way the event is being promoted."
Dales said “Wagner’s self-serving interest in this instance has the potential to affect the services of a critical Veterans Resource, and I am sure that Wagner has not disclosed the potential risks to these Veterans who have already sacrificed so much”.
Dale continued "she is not surprised that Wagner is again involved in an ethically questionable enterprise. "Through his business dealings and his actions as a councilman, Mr. Wagner has pushed the limits of ethical conduct."
She said, for example, that Wagner who leases the Greenwood Lake Airport from the state - stages a yearly air show through a separate company he owns. That company appears to be the only bidder on the air show held at a State facility. To provide security for the Air Show, Wagner hires township police officers - and as a councilman he sits in on the police department's contract negotiations.
"I think Mr. Wagner tends to operate on his own behalf quite frequently without bothering to be fully transparent or to fully grasp the ethical implications of his actions," said Dale. "This meet and greet is just another example of his questionable behavior."
EDITOR'S NOTE: Don Webb, past Passaic County Officer for the American Legion, noted to InsiderNJ that it is the policy of the organization to rent the hall to campaigns. The organization just cannot promote those campaigns. The Legion in this case rented the hall but did not promote the event, under the bylaws of the organization, Mr. Webb said.