West Milford's Wagner, Zarrillo, McGuinness testify in support of Pennacchio bill S-2167, Senate Environment Committee gives unanimous approval


Monday, May 21, 2018

TRENTON, N.J. ~ West Milford Township Council President Tim Wagner, Councilman Pete McGuinness, and Greenwood Lake Commission Co-Chairman and Council Candidate Paul Zarrillo testified before the New Jersey Senate Environment & Energy Committee this morning, providing in depth analysis and emphatic support for bill S-2167 in Trenton, N.J.

The bi-partisan bill, whose primary sponsors are West Milford's Senator Joe Pennacchio (R-26) and Senator Nellie Pou (D-35), establishes an annual $500,000 contribution from the State of New Jersey to the Greenwood Lake Fund, which would be used for improvement projects around the New Jersey half of the lake. Joining the local delegation in Trenton this morning were Senator Pennacchio and Passaic County Freeholder Terry Duffy (D-West Milford).

Zarrillo, the NJ Co-Chair of the Greenwood Lake Commission, provided a comprehensive overview of steps taken by the Commission in past projects and detailed plans for an Environmental Evaluation Study of Belcher's Creek, implementation of herbicide application and geese management programs, and hydro raking of sediment buildup in a nearly one mile area to deepen the lake by 4'. Zarrillo is also running for Township Council in West Milford this year, citing his experience in working with legislators as one of his most desirable qualities as a candidate. He was instrumental in working with Pennacchio to formulate this bill and has been involved every step of the way.

"We plan to undergo a study to evaluate the water quality, sediment depth, aquatic weeds, shore line erosion, and encroachment of shrubs and other vegetation along the 2 mile length of Belcher’s Creek, which is the main artery feeding into Greenwood Lake and has been the source of 45% of contaminants entering the lake over the last twenty-plus years," explained Zarrillo. "We have had the privilege of working with Senator Joe Pennacchio over the past few years to bring New Jersey State Police patrol boats onto the water to provide protective services on Saturdays and Sundays from Memorial Day to Labor Day. We have worked over the years to … reduce navigational hazards for motorists via NJDEP grants. The plans I have outlined, which will be funded by the monies provided in S-2167 annually, are yet another step in preserving the safety, water quality, and economic value to the Greenwood Lake that all residents and users deserve."

Wagner, the sitting Council President running for re-election this year, offered insight into Greenwood Lake's role in the local economy and its contributions to the business climate in the area. Citing the rich history and extent of the use of the lake, he informed the Committee of the tourism and community events that benefit West Milford and residents from all over New Jersey.

"Greenwood Lake is a focal point of the local economy that has a rich history. From New York Yankees Hall of Famer Babe Ruth spending off time on the northern end of the lake to future Hall of Famer Derek Jeter’s castle being a landmark on its western shore, Greenwood Lake has always been a draw to bring people to the area," said Wagner. "The state of New Jersey owns the lake and needs to take responsibility for the lake. This funding bill is the first step to ensuring that New Jersey is protecting its property, businesses, and taxpayers for years to come."

McGuinness, a Councilman and successful business owner with deep recreation ties to West Milford, outlined the various year-round activities that Greenwood Lake users can enjoy in all four seasons. He called on the Committee to support the funding initiative to protect the safety of lake users and expressed the need for continued maintenance for the lake.

"As is the case with Lake Hopatcong … the work to ensure water quality and reduce environmental concerns is never done," said McGuinness. "It is an ongoing task that must be faced diligently and consistently on an annual basis. We thank Senator Pennacchio for working diligently with us to protect Greenwood Lake for years to come."

The bi-partisan representation of West Milford officials showed a profound focus on the task at hand – securing the Commission's first permanent funding source in its 16 years of existence. "We are not down here for politics," commented McGuinness. "This is what we are put in these positions to do, and we will continue to do what is needed to help West Milford."

For more on the Greenwood Lake Fund and additional information on bill S-2167, please contact Paul Zarrillo at pzarrillo@icloud.com.

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