West Ward Candidate Atalaya Armstrong: Trenton Going Global
Atalaya Armstrong, West Ward candidate for City Council in Trenton, attended the Commission for Social Development (CSocD) held at United Nations Headquarters in New York from January 29th to February 7th 2018. Atalaya attended as part of the UN NGO's AUP Leadership delegation, a group of Athletes and Non-Athletes striving to improve the conditions of their community and the world at large.
The focus this year was "Strategies for eradicating poverty to achieve sustainable development for all.”
Atalaya was recognized and invited by TBC Founder Barbara Horne. The invitation was extended for her work in the community as a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA), Neighborhood watch, and former member of one of the strongest PTA’s in the city. The 2 women grew up together in the same neighborhood and often use Social Media to share ideas on how to improve the Poverty, Gun Violence, Water and Infrastructure difficulties plaguing their hometown.
With hundreds of others across the world Atalaya attended sessions that included the Vice President of Costa Rica, National Representatives and Ambassadors who offered successful initiatives that tackled moving people out of extreme poverty.
Members of the leadership committee and Atalaya were invited to gather ideas, network and help ensure the voice of Trentonians and other distressed areas are part of the international conversation.
Under the Leadership committee Atalaya will also be attending multiple events at the largest United Nations conference, “The Commission on the Status of Women”, where part of the focus will be “Women in Media, Information and Communications Technologies”. She sees this as part of the solution to improving transparency in Trenton.
Atalaya identified five areas where council can be most influential and noticed that those same challenges existed for other places inside and outside US Borders; especially amongst countries and cities where there are large numbers of People of African Descent.
- Water/Infrastructure
- Taxes
- Economics
- Education/Crime
- Transparency
To continue her work for Trenton’s Westward Atalaya is holding a “Sip and Chat”
this Sat 10 AM Dunkin Donuts 275 Parkway Avenue, Trenton, New Jersey 08618.
Social Development (CSocD) 56th Session of the Commission for Social Development
Commission on the Status of Women CSW62 (2018)
The sixty-second session of the Commission on the Status of Women will take place at the United Nations Headquarters in New York from 12 to 23 March 2018
People of African Descent
Atalaya for City Council Facebook
Sip and Chat
This Saturday 10 AM Dunkin Donuts 275 Parkway Avenue, Trenton, New Jersey 08618
Contact: AtalayaArmstrong4Trenton@gmail.com | 1-609-583-0649