Wimberly, Coughlin & Armato Bill to Further Ease Deadline Applications for Local Governments Clears Assembly

Wimberly, Coughlin & Armato Bill to Further Ease Deadline Applications for Local Governments Clears Assembly

Legislation a Part of Continued Response to COVID-19


(TRENTON)-  The full Assembly approved Wednesday legislation to help local governments focus on COVID-19 response efforts by extending certain deadlines for municipalities and residents.

The bill (A-3902), approved 79-0, would provide expansive authority to the Director of the Division of Local Government Services in the Department of Community Affairs to extend certain deadlines applicable to local government units of the State during periods of emergency declared by the Governor. Additionally, the bill allows the Director to permit municipalities to extend grace periods for property taxes and other municipal charges, as well as deadlines under the Municipal Land Use Law.

The sponsors say the legislation gives municipalities’ flexibility in order to focus on immediate and emergent needs related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Assemblymen Benjie Wimberly (D-Bergen, Passaic), Craig Coughlin (D-Middlesex) and John Armato (D-Atlantic) released the following joint statement on the passage of the bill:

“New Jersey towns have a lot to deal with in response to COVID-19. We are only beginning to understand what municipalities and their residents need to face the challenges ahead. Extending deadlines and grace periods will certainly help as local governments continue to manage the pandemic and their municipal duties.”

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