Women Who Never Give Up, Inc. To Host Conversation On The Proposed “NJ Incarcerated Caregivers Act”

National Town Hall Meeting:

A discussion on the proposed NJ Assembly Bill No. 3979 "Dignity for Incarcerated Primary Caretaker Parents Act"

A convening in collaboration with women across the nation impacted by the criminal Justice system including, community members and leaders working on criminal justice reform efforts.

Women Who Never Giver Up in collaboration with the National Council for Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women and Girls invites you to join us for the first in a series of town hall style meetings for the sharing of information, ideas and solutions.  At this meeting we will be discussing the "Dignity for Incarcerated Primary Caretaker Parents Act" (Assembly Bill #3979) with the sponsors of the bill, Assemblywoman Yvonne Lopez and Assemblywoman Valeria Huttle.  The purpose of this Bill is to focus on incarcerated parents in NJ State and county correctional facilities who are primary caretakers of children and provide these parents with the protections they deserve. 60% of all women incarcerated in the United States are the mothers of children under the age of 18.


11:00am – 12:00pm Hear the stories of women who have been directly impacted by the criminal justice system.

12:00pm – 1:00 pm An opportunity for all to engage in a dialogue about this important issue with Assemblywomen Lopez and Huttle, as well as the speakers and presenters.

For those unable to attend, the meeting will be livestreamed:

Meeting Name: 07-21-2018-1100-536GS-RUTV

Toll Free Number: 1-844-572-5683

Extension: 46115

Please connect to the LifeSize meeting using the link below with the Google Chrome browser:

Google Chrome Link: https://manage.lifesizecloud.com/#/call/46115

If you need additional instructions on how to use this please go to the link below for more information:


Light refreshments will be served compliments of Rutgers University

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