Working Families: Sweeney's EDA comments "disconnected from reality"

A group of 16 Progressive candidates for county committee won an unlikely victory in Collingswood NJ. The Collingswood Progressive Democrats defeated the incumbents 52% to 48%, flipping one of the largest and most strategically important towns in Camden County.
In response to Senate President Stephen Sweeney's comments to NJBiz about bombshell reports on the NJ Economic Development Authority from Pro Publica / WNYC and the New York Times, New Jersey Working Families Interim Director Rob Duffey said: 
"Senate President Sweeney's statement is disconnected from reality. We now know that a single political dynasty of Mar-a-Lago Democrats rewrote New Jersey's tax incentive laws and benefitted to the tune of more than $1 billion. That's outrageous, and anyone who won't admit it has an agenda. 
The Senate President apparently thinks we should ignore self-dealing because these incentives helped Camden. But why is it that people who don't live in Camden keep insisting that what's happening in the city is amazing, but those who live there talk about how much they haven't been helped? 
This isn't rocket science. The NJ EDA board needs to resign now, and elected leaders, not lobbyists, must rewrite our tax incentive laws so that they work for the people rather than the powerful."
New Jersey Working Families is an independent political organization that fights for progressive policies and recruits, trains, and elects the next generation of progressive leaders. 


Rob Duffey
Interim State Director, New Jersey Working Families
National Communications Director, Working Families Party

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