World Record Bear Taken From New Jersey In 2019 Archery Season

World Record Bear Taken From New Jersey In 2019 Archery Season

Trenton – Sportsmen coalition congratulates hunter, swipes at misinformation spread by anti-hunting extremists.

The New Jersey Outdoor Alliance on Thursday released a statement congratulating a New Jersey hunter for taking the Pope and Young world record for archery black bears during the 2019 season in Morris County, NJ.

"Let this finally dispel the fountain of misinformation pushed by the Governor and his anti-hunting extremist allies regarding the health of our black bear population." said NJOA spokesman Cody McLaughlin, "Not only is this the first ever Pope and Young world record animal out of New Jersey, but it is no accident that it is a black bear. The entire NJOA board and, indeed, every hunter in New Jersey offers their sincere praise of the hunter who harvested this bear and we wish him even better luck in future seasons as we fight to protect his right and everyone else's to pursue these safe, ethical and scientifically-backed sports."

Facts about the New Jersey black bear population:

  • New Jersey boasts some of the largest bears in North America (and now THE largest black bear in North America).
  • Black bears in New Jersey breed at twice the rate of other states, often producing litters of 3-4 cubs as opposed to an average of 1-2.
  • Over 80% of black bears in New Jersey survive to adulthood.
  • More than twice as many black bears are born in New Jersey as are killed in the management hunt in each year.
  • new Jersey boasts the densest population of black bears in North America, and it jumped 23% during the first year of Governor Murphy's state land ban on black bear hunting.

About the New Jersey Outdoor Alliance: New Jersey Outdoor Alliance’s mission is “preservation through conservation.” NJOA serves as a grassroots coalition of outdoorsmen and outdoorswomen dedicated to the conservation of natural resources and environmental stewardship that champions the intrinsic value of fishing, hunting and trapping, among opinion leaders, policy makers, and the public at-large. To learn more about the organization, please visit:

About the Pope and Young Club: The Pope and Young Club is one of North America's leading bowhunting and conservation organizations. As part of their service to members and the sport, they publish a record book of scored animals in differing categories. To learn more about the organization, please visit:


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