Worthy For Mayor Opens Campaign Office Downtown

Worthy For Mayor Opens Campaign Office Downtown
Residents welcome to stop by and inquire about the campaign’s issue priorities and core beliefs
TRENTON, NJ -- Thursday night, over 200 people joined mayoral Candidate Walker M. Worthy, Jr. at the opening of his campaign headquarters at 12 S. Warren St, Trenton, NJ 08608. The headquarters will serve as a meeting location for constituents to come speak directly with Worthy, his campaign staff, and volunteers to discuss issues facing the city of Trenton.
“I want to have as much direct contact with the people of Trenton as possible, because the only opinions that matter in regards to the direction of our city are those of the residents. Our city is facing many pressing issues such as potholes, rising taxes, crime, and struggling public schools, and I’m running for Mayor to bring new leadership to Trenton to solve these problems,” said Worthy. “When I’m not out knocking on doors, I will be in the campaign office, and I encourage residents to stop by and be a part of the discussion, whether they are regular voters, first time voters, or unregistered.”
Worthy ran for Mayor in 2014, finishing in third place. He has knocked on hundreds of doors since then, speaking to residents throughout the whole city. When he announced his second Mayoral bid last month, he was joined by dozens of residents, friends, family, and certain Church communities. He is a member of the New Jersey NAACP, Shiloh Baptist Church, and Trenton Public Education Foundation.
Worthy has held various positions at the State and County level, and has lived in the greater Trenton area his entire life. Worthy was appointed Deputy Clerk of Mercer County in 2006. The Worthy for Mayor Campaign Office will be open most days from 10:00am to 6:00pm. For more information on Worthy and the campaign, please visit www.worthyformayor.com or call the campaign office at 609-394-6582.