Worthy to Open Office of Latino & Hispanic Affairs in City Hall

Worthy to Open Office of Latino & Hispanic Affairs in City Hall

Mayoral Candidate Outlines his Vision for Greater Constituent Outreach

TRENTON, NJ — Mayoral candidate Walker Worthy Jr., announced his plans on Tuesday to open an Office of Latino & Hispanic Affairs inside City Hall.

“The Hispanic community as well other minority groups have been pushed to the back burner for far too long in local government,” Worthy said. “My administration will cultivate diversity and inclusion and open the city’s first Office of Latino & Hispanic Affairs to address their concerns.”

Worthy has received widespread support from the Hispanic community including endorsements from former Trenton City Councilman Manny Segura, the city’s first Hispanic elected official and the Latino Merchant Association of New Jersey.

Worthy’s plan came about after listening to Hispanic-owned businesses whose owners expressed frustrations about the lack of Hispanic representation in municipal government.

“The Hispanic business community is the steam engine of Trenton with over 800 businesses in the city,” Worthy said. “My administration will work diligently to make sure their concerns are being heard. Residents shouldn’t have to run a gauntlet to see the Mayor. I want to restore City Hall to be friendlier and constituent-driven. Residents should have the right to sit down and talk with their Mayor inside of the Mayor’s Office.”

In addition to Worthy’s Office of Latino & Hispanic Affairs, he also announced that he will hold an open-door policy for residents.

For more information about Worthy’s vision for a better Trenton, please visit www.worthyformayor.com or his campaign headquarters, located at 12 South Warren St. in Trenton.



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