Wright Campaign Files Election Law Complaint for Transparency Violations


HILLSBOROUGH, October 30, 2019 – The Jeffrey Wright Campaign for Hillsborough Township
Committee filed a New Jersey Election Law and Enforcement Commission (ELEC) complaint into
the 2019 campaign of Hillsborough Mayor Frank DelCore. Per the Frank DelCore’s 2019 29-day
Pre-Election report received by ELEC on October 11 th , the campaign has failed to disclose legally
required information regarding the occupations and employers of several high-dollar donors.
“The reason candidates have to disclose the occupations and employer names of their donors is
simple, and incredibly important,” said local attorney Roger Koch, who spearheaded recent
ethics and abuse of position inquiries into other government officials. “It’s to make sure we are
able to see if candidates are beholden to special interests.”

This type of donation process, known as “bundling,” allows individual entities to combine
donors who can collectively donate above the $2,700 limit. A single special interest that
bundles thousands of dollars together is likely to have its own agenda it would like to see
enacted. That’s why proper disclosure transparency is so important.

The investigation poses a stark contrast to the DelCore campaign’s touting of government
transparency as one of its key accomplishments. His campaign went so far as to devote an
entire section of its annual township-wide propaganda mail piece “Hillsborough Highlights” to
the issue of transparency.

“The DelCore campaign spent thousands of dollars on a fake newspaper meant to deceive
residents into thinking they’ve received a real local paper,” Hillsborough Democratic Chairman
Ron Yoder said. “Thanks to their failures to properly disclose their donations, we have no idea
who actually paid for it. That tells me everything I need to know about Mayor DelCore’s


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