Shanley Calls on Pappalordo to Resign from Organization
Call Rudy Boonstra
( November 3, 2017) Wyckoff Mayor Rudy Boonstra is demanding that the Wyckoff Progressive candidates for township committee condemn an online post by one of their supporters that accuses town Republicans of being racists.
"There is absolutely no place in our community for the kind of vitriolic, divisive and dangerous race baiting tactics used by the supporters of the Progressive Democrats in Wyckoff," said Boonstra. The race baiting post was made to the Progressive Women For Progress Facebook site last night.
The mayor added that the appeal to racism is directly related to the Progressive's plan to change Wyckoff's form of government. "They want to change not only the way we govern ourselves but the entire character and culture of our town and they must be stopped." he said.
Committeeman John Carolan said he is shocked the Progressive Democrats and groups that support them are playing the race card in Wyckoff.
"This reeks of desperation by the Progressive Democrats and I am calling on Committeeman Brian Scanlan to not only reject the racist accusations of his supporters but to distance himself from the organization that allowed this disgusting and patently false charge to posted on their Facebook page," said Carolan.
Hayley Shotmeyer Rooney, who has lived in town her entire life and whose father served as mayor, said the race baiting tactic by the Democrats has never been seen in town before and should never be tolerated by anyone who lives in Wyckoff.
"To call it disgusting is just not adequate., " said Shotmeyer Rooney, who is running for Township Committee this year. "It's an attempt by the local Progressive's to bring their big city Democrat style of divisive campaign tactics to small suburban town that has been tolerant and harmonious community for 90 years."
"I find nothing progressive in an organization that allows its members to try to defame an entire community," said Shotmeyer Rooney
GOP Township Committee candidate Tim Shanley called the racist accusations a bold face lie but not an entirely unexpected tactic from Ms. Chung, the leader of WFP that posted this hateful message on their web page and her own Facebook page. My opponent, Carla Pappalordo is the chairperson of the Progressive Democratic Candidates Committee for WFP and I call on her to immediately resign from this organization and to condemn the posts by Ms. Chung that dragged hate from Edison into Wyckoff and defamed Wyckoff residents who are Republicans. Her running mates should also condemn the posts and their campaign should stop associating with and receiving support from WFP. This type of hate can destroy the camaraderie and cohesiveness of this beautiful town and we must make sure hate like this has no home in Wyckoff," said Shanley, an attorney.
GOP Township Committee candidate Tim Shanley called the racist accusations not an entirely unexpected tactic from the Scanlan campaign and its supporters who are hell bent on destroying the camaraderie and cohesion of this beautiful town
"The Progressive Democrats have been misleading people in town all year about their objectives and what they want Wyckoff to become. Now they have shown their true hatred for our community and what it stands for," said Shanley, an attorney.
The post by Women for Progress says in part:
The NJ Republicans will stoop to any low to win. This is Edison. Similar tactics being used in Wyckoff
the post shows a campaign flier used in Edison - which has nothing to do with any person or issues in Wyckoff