Young Republicans Issue Statement of Support for Kate Gibbs

Scotch Plains, NJ – It’s difficult enough to run for public office, it gets even harder if you’re a woman, and the younger you are the longer the odds. In the 3rd Congressional District, the Republican Party has a candidate in Kate Gibbs who’s bucking all the odds and defying the status quo. She has deep roots in the district as a past Freeholder Director of Burlington County who lowered taxes and improved school security. Furthermore, in only a matter of weeks she managed to raise $150,000, made the NRCC’s Young Guns “On the Radar” list, and secured numerous endorsements, including from House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, former Congressman Tom MacArthur, and GOP leaders across the state and country. As members of the Young Republican Federation of New Jersey (YRFNJ) we are committed to ensuring that our members have all the tools they need to connect, volunteer, and ultimately run for office one day! Today that message is as loud and clear as ever, to Kate Gibbs and to ANY Young Republican running for office: Do not succumb to bullying and feel pressure to quit because your opponents think their age entitles them to your fealty- elections are held for a reason, and merit is not based on age or gender, but on ideas and work ethic. Being older than your opposition is not a “cheat code” to winning elections, nor should it be, and if candidates feel slighted for being forced out of their OWN races, they should not turn around and try to force candidates like Kate out of hers.
Joe Sarno – YRFNJ Chairman
Al Davis – YRFNJ National Committeeman
Vicki Chadwick – YRFNJ National Committeewoman
JD Bryden – YRFNJ Treasurer
Stephen Parrey – Burlington County Young Republican Chairman