Zimmer: Next Steps for Hoboken

Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer sent out the follow statement via email to her supporters today:


"I want to share with you the news that I have decided not to seek reelection this November. This has been a very difficult decision, but with a vacuum of leadership on the urgent issue of climate change from the federal government, I have decided it is the right time for me to take on a new role working more directly with the issue of climate change and resiliency - one of the most critical challenges facing our city, state and nation.

It has been an honor serving as your mayor and I am extremely proud of all that my team and I have accomplished with your help. When I made the decision to run for City Council 10 years ago and then for Mayor 8 years ago,  I wasn't looking to start a long career in politics - I wanted to help my community at a time when we were facing major challenges and making important decisions about our future.

I believe I have accomplished that task. After inheriting a city government in financial distress and under state fiscal supervision, we turned Hoboken around and fixed a broken City Hall. We’ve restored honest and open government, with our City now on the right path. We’ve built new parks and acquired 8 acres for more open space, kept municipal tax rates stable, established an AA+ bond rating, saved our bankrupt hospital, made major strides in addressing the longstanding flooding problem with a second flood pump, won a $230 million Rebuild by Design competition, invested in a renovated Washington Street, prioritized the interests of residents ahead of developer profits, and so much more.

Hoboken is now a model for resiliency and sustainability, and I will always be proud of the role I played in helping to set our great City on the path to a better and stronger future. I am more comfortable making this decision becauseCouncilman Ravi Bhalla is stepping forward to run for mayor, giving me confidence that our City will continue on the positive course that our Reform team has set together.

Our accomplishments over the past eight years have truly been a team effort, and Ravi has been a vital part of our team. He understands how hard it was to achieve our successes and is committed to carrying this City forward to ensure we continue to improve the quality of life for Hoboken residents.

I love this City and have absolutely loved this very tough job. Thanks to each and every one of you who have placed your trust in me as your Mayor. I hope you will place that same trust in Councilman Bhalla, who I know will ensure Hoboken stays on a positive track."

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