Zwicker, Freiman and Watson Coleman Denounce Upcoming White Supremacist Rally in Princeton

Zwicker, Freiman and Watson Coleman on Upcoming White Supremacist Rally in Princeton


(TRENTON) – Disturbed and concerned about Saturday’s scheduled white supremacist rally at Princeton University, Assemblyman Andrew Zwicker (D-Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex and Somerset) issued the following statement Friday:

“These few people who choose to spew their hatred want to divide our community.  They will not and cannot ever prevail here in Princeton, the State, or the country as a whole, because an attack on our neighbors is not just an attack on our neighborhoods, but on our humanity.  There is no room in our community for those who would choose hate, bigotry, and ignorance over love, empathy, and understanding.

“I will stand with my community this Saturday, as we peacefully demonstrate that diversity and compassion for each other is far mightier than the vile hatred of those white supremacists who have chosen to gather because hate has no home here.”

Assemblyman Zwicker’s district mate, Assemblyman Roy Freiman (D-Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, Somerset), also issued a statement:

“Seeing blatant acts of bigotry and hatred like the rally planned for Saturday really infuriates me – especially when they’re happening in my own backyard. This behavior does not represent the values we stand for in New Jersey and it will never be welcomed here.”


Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-NJ, 12th District) commented as well:

            “The freedom of speech that protects you and me unfortunately protects the right of those who have planned a white supremacist rally in our community this weekend. While they may come to spout hate and division, I’m confident they will quickly learn that our neighborhoods offer few sympathetic ears.  I am proud of those in Princeton who reject this kind of bigotry and inhumanity, choosing to respond with love and inclusivity.  I know many in Princeton will want to confront hate and stand up for their friends, classmates and colleagues. If you do, I implore you to protest peacefully. Don’t let their hate poison your own heart. Show them that Princeton rejects hate and violence.”

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