Zwicker: New Jersey Biotechnology Task Force to Release Report to Gov. Murphy

Zwicker: New Jersey Biotechnology Task Force to Release
Report to Gov. Murphy

Recommendations Include Short, Long-term Strategies for Strengthening
the State’s Innovation Capacity

(Trenton) –Assemblyman Andrew Zwicker (D--Somerset/Mercer/Middlesex/Hunterdon) to join fellow legislators and the New Jersey Biotechnology Task Force at a press conference to release a report they will present to Gov. Phil Murphy.  Zwicker is vice-chair of the panel.

WHAT:         Press conference hosted by the New Jersey Biotechnology Task Force to release the Task Force’s recommendations to Governor Phil Murphy on the necessity and urgency of the State to invest in strengthening its innovation capacity—the ability to produce and commercialize a flow of innovative technology, products and services over the long term.   Recommendations include high-priority, short-and long-term action steps, and investments the Task Force believes will be most impactful in laying the foundation for an innovation-driven growth strategy in New Jersey.

The report will focus on five key areas:

  • Translational research culture at New Jersey’s academic institutions
  • Entrepreneurial culture and investment capital
  • Workforce development
  • Enabling infrastructure
  • Strengthening the innovation ecosystem


WHO:            -New Jersey Biotechnology Task Force Chair Debbie Hart

President and CEO, BioNJ
-New Jersey Biotechnology Vice-chair Andrew Zwicker

Assemblyman (D-Somerset/Mercer/Middlesex/Hunterdon)

-Assemblyman Christopher DePhillips (R-Bergen/Essex/Morris/Passaic)
-Assemblyman Gary Schaer (D-Bergen, Passaic)

-Senator Linda Greenstein (D-Mercer, Middlesex)
-Senator Robert Singer (R-Monmouth, Ocean)                                            

WHEN:         Wednesday, June 13, 2018, 9:30 a.m.

WHERE:       New Jersey Economic Development Authority
36 West State Street
Trenton, NJ 08608



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